Demands for Surrender

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Ichigo and Rukia fished her gigai out from behind a bush near the Kurosaki Clinic.

"Why the hell did you stash your body here? You could have just left it back at the house," Ichigo griped.

"Shut up! I was flustered when you left and was obviously not thinking entirely properly, which is all your fault by the way," Rukia shot back.

Sweat beaded on the teen's brow as he said, "No comment."

Rukia grabbed his hand and led him inside, while he thought to himself, And we are already holding hands... I spent so long crafting my image as an aloof, cool guy, and that literally went out the window in a matter of minutes. I hope no one is watching right now.

As they walked through the door, Ichigo saw his dad and Byakuya in basically the same places they were when he had run out. It was like they had waited patiently the entire time he and Rukia were out. He felt suddenly self-conscious, wondering how their elders would take the whole scenario of what just happened.

"Good, you're back. It took you two long enough," Isshin grumbled.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Ichigo said lamely.

"Ichigo Kurosaki," Byakuya began as though there had not been an interruption. "Can I have your response to the orders and the proposal of my family? I have left with your father a complete listing of all the orders and their corresponding details issued by Central 46. You may look them over at your leisure before answering."

"No need," Ichigo said. Rukia's grip tightened on his hand, making him feel at least a little comforted that he wasn't the only one nervous about this whole setup. "I have decided to marry Rukia. We talked it over. It'll happen."

Byakuya glanced at the papers in Isshin's and then closed his eyes resolutely. "Very well. I will report your decision to the Head Captain and subsequently to Central 46. The Kuchiki Clan will begin preparations for the wedding immediately. You will also be required to meet with the Head Captain in a week's time to fulfill the other duties listed in the orders."

Ichigo stepped up and said, "Fine. But I have some things to add to your orders. Before Rukia and I even get married, I'm taking Rukia on an actual date, and I'm doing a real proposal. I understand that the Soul Society likes do things all old fashion and like, but this is the 21st century! We're going to go about this my way!"

"Ichigo..." Rukia mumbled with wide eyes looking up at him. "Wait just a second! What about what I want, huh!?"

Ichigo ignored her as best he could and continued. "Furthermore, my sisters are going to be a part of all wedding preparations. Yuzu will be over the moon to help out. In fact she gets final say in decorations and food."

Byakuya's eyes remained closed as he responded, " Very well. Your terms are acceptable. When do you plan on proposing to my sister?"

Ichigo flushed. "Soon. Our date is tomorrow night."

Wait... Did I just say that? What am I thinking? Can this day can any weirder?

"Ichigo," Isshin began. "You and I have a lot to talk about. The Kuchikis have a lot to prepare and to report. I think we should let them on their way." He then bowed to Byakuya and Rukia respectively and said, "We are very honored by this union. We look forward to a bright future of our families being conjoined together, and to the preparations for our children's nuptials."

Byakuya remained stoic as ever as he nodded in agreement. He turned to leave. Before Rukia followed her brother she hopped up and gave Ichigo a peck on the cheek.

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