The Grand Wedding of Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki

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If Ichigo were being honest with himself, it felt like he was no longer in control of his life. It was both magnificent and terrifying at the same moment. It was terrifying because he knew that political powers were behind it all. Powers he could not reach out and strike down with his swords. It was terrifying that he was caught in even more political intrigue surrounding Rurichiyo, but there was no help to be had from the Soul Society. After Shu's assassination, the Gotei had been ordered to do nothing. This was the affair of the nobles. He felt entirely abandoned.

At the same time, he knew he wasn't alone, and that felt wonderful. It was totally bizarre and sick that he was getting married at 17, but then again, he was getting married to Rukia. His family and nearly all of his friends were getting caught up in the occasion. They were so happy for him, and that feeling was infectious. Unbelievably, he found himself daydreaming about what their life together would be like. And though it was political manipulation on the part of Central 46 in an attempt to back him in a corner or kill him, joining the 13 Court Guard Squad sounded like another dream. It would bring even greater direction and purpose to his life. Though playing second fiddle to the Gotei was not entirely a pleasant thought at the moment.

Then there was the matter with Harribel. Thinking about her got Ichgio nervous, but in a way that wasn't entirely unpleasant. He had managed to bring her up in passing to Rukia one day when she visited Karin and Yuzu to discuss party plans. She hadn't wanted to hear much about, which he figured was okay for then, but since they would all be joined in marriage (such a weird thought!), he knew they would have to discuss it at some point. Rukia for her part just wanted to concentrate on the upcoming ceremony. Ichigo figured it was her way to deal with the stress.

For his part, Ichigo felt like there was still something missing. He felt it when he looked at Zangetsu. How had the swords returned to him? Who had sent him the letter and the sword that allowed him to tap into his old strength once more? What was really going on, even beneath the Kasumioji conspiracy and the orders of Central 46? He felt in his heart they must all be connected somehow. If he could answer one question, he might be able to find the underlying answer to them all.

But no, there was a wedding to be had.

The days suddenly flew by, and the day of the wedding arrived in a whirlwind. At one moment Ichigo was worrying about what to do with Harribel, while he and Rukia were trying to uncover the identity of Shu's murderers when they had free time, and then they were here. The Kuchikis had spared no expense for this affair.

The wedding took place at the Kuchiki Manor, which was decked in all the trappings for the festivity. Banners hung all over the place, petals fell from the sky. Food was there for everyone. Music from the world of the living accompanied the guests, inviting them in. Yuzu and Karin had seen to the more fancy food, some of it even made by Yuzu herself. There would be a dance and a reception after the ceremony.

Soul Reapers plugged the hallways and nobles dressed in their finest attire meandered about. The place was packed, and everyone wanted the closest seating possible for the trading of vows. Ichigo and Rukia were led by their families to the Shinto shrine in the maor gardens, where they would give their vows before Captain Kyoraku and a priest selected by the Kuchikis. There they drank saki as they gave their vows of honor and love to one another. It was a simple ceremony, immediately proceeded by paperwork.

Of all things! How can this be considered even slightly appropriate for a wedding, Ichigo fumed.

Ichigo and Rukia knelt side by side as the elders of the Kuchiki and Shiba clans passed them cups of steaming tea, small things to eat, and papers to sign. Ichigo and Rukai didn't even process half of what was happening except that they were getting married.

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