Princesses Before the Wall

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The next day was an odd one for Ichigo. In the morning, he was woken up by not just his dad, but also by Yuzu, who was gushing over wedding plans and pressing for even more details about how Ichigo proposed. Even Karin shot him a bunch of snide remarks about finally becoming a man across the table. Within his own mind the feelings of elation at being engaged crossed swords with persistent notion that being engaged as a high school student was ridiculous, and with suspicions of what was going on with the Kasumioji Clan. Ichigo was certain that there were some pieces missing to the puzzle, but he kept it all to himself.

As he was leaving to go to school, Isshin pulled him aside into the kitchen and whispered to him, "Son, I felt the battle that happened last night, and Kisuke has informed me of our noble visitors. There is something happening here, keep your guard up around the princess."

Ichigo felt a little annoyed at the lecture and about Kisuke and his dad always having secret meeting somewhere behind his back.

"Of course I will, I'm not stupid," Ichigo replied as he shouldered his bag and began walking out.

"Ichigo, there was something off about that man's spiritual pressure last night," Isshin said with a serious face. "Just keep that in mind."

Great, another thing to worry about, Ichigo thought to himself. But he answered, "Got it. I'm off now."

He met Princess Rurichiyo with Kenryu and Enryu at the school. Both bodyguards still looked totally out of place with their school uniforms. He wondered if they had to keep manipulating the memories of the students and faculty to keep up the charade. They obviously did not belong.

"Good morning to you, Ichigo," Rurichiyo called. "I am so ever looking to another fun-filled day of learning!"

Ichigo raised an eyebrow at that.

"Milady, it is not proper for you to be so informal with the Substitute Soul Reaper, even if he did help save you last night," Kenryu whispered intently.

"Nonsense, I feel like Ichigo and I are very much equals," the princess declared.

"But that would be lowering yourself to his status, Lady Rurichiyo," Kenryu gasped.

"What is this crap I'm hearing," Ichigo grumbled. "She can talk however she wants, man."

Kenryu glared at Ichigo and said, "A member of your class could never fully understand the weight of tradition and expectation on the princess' shoulders. She has to maintain her noble appearance, even at this... school. If she does not, then I fear that it could become a weakness in the future, and her enemies will exploit any weakness they can detect!"

"You are so stuffy Kenryu," Rurichiyo huffed.

Kenryu looked to Enryu for help, but the bigger man just shrugged. Rurichiyo suddenly took Ichigo's arm, causing the two men to blush and Ichigo to twitch a little.

"Now, how about you escort me to class," she asked sweetly.

"But Milady, he's engaged," Kenryu spluttered.

"That doesn't mean that he cannot be a gallant gentleman, right?" Rurichiyo prompted.

"Whatever," Ichigo grumbled, and he let the princess hang on as he strode inside. He was hoping to hurry, because the debate was attracting people's attention. He also did not want Kenryu's statement about his engagement to suddenly become public knowledge.Once they were in class, Ichigo saw Chad and suddenly realized that he had forgotten to tell his pal what had all been happening. He moved over and whispered the spark notes version to his buddy. With characteristic silence, Chad processed the information.

Bleach: Kingdoms and PrincessesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon