The Queen of Hueco Mundo

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Rukia sat in the Thirteenth Division barracks' headquarters with the other female officers from the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. They sat among piles of material and stacks of paper as they poured over Rukia's wedding plans. Byakuya had granted his sister the right to conduct many of the affairs for her own wedding instead of letting the family take charge. The small gathering sat tiredly together and Nanao heaved a sigh of relief.

"Everything is finally in order."

Rukia groaned, "For a day that people say is supposed to be the happiest day of your life, it's almost too much hassle to be worth it."

"But Rukia! That is why it's the best day of your life, because this will finally be over," Kiyone said, waving a hand to all of their work.

All of the ladies laughed at that and as one they reclined wherever they were. Rukia looked around at all of them and thanked them for their help. Soon a pair of young and intimidated squad members entered and quickly dispersed drinks and small refreshments among the officers. As the officers finally got up and began chatting over the snakes and sake Rangiku pulled Rukia off to the side.

"So Rukia, the big day is coming up. How are you feeling?"

Rukia sighed and took a quick swig of her drink. "Rangiku, I have answered that question a million times already. I'm doing fine. Just a little nervous is all, as is to be expected."

The busty woman flashed Rukia a sly grin and asked, "And how about your feelings for after the ceremony? You know that you and that big boy are going to have to, what's the refined way of saying it? Consummate? How about that?"

Rukia flushed at that question but replied on a clipped tone, "I think that Ichigo and I will do fine having sex. And it's not any of your business anyway!"

Rangiku laughed at her friend's obvious discomfort and said, "Oh don't be so uptight. Our little Rukia is finally growing up and will be a full woman soon!" She then became serious and continued in a lower voice, "But Rukia, what do you think about sharing Ichigo with Harribel? How are you going to manage that?"

The small lieutenant looked down at her feet and stammered, "I try to forget about that. I don't know how I'll deal with it. I'll just have to be strong, like I always am."

"I don't know if simple strength will get you through this," Rangiku worried.

"I'll just have to remind Ichigo why it is me that he should be in love with, completely," Rukia stated, color rushing through her face and neck. Wow! When did I start sounding like some World of the Living school girl?

Rangiku gave her friend and encouraging smile, "Then make the wedding night extra special."

"B-But, I don't know how to do that," Rukia fretted, the heat really coming off her face now.

"That is why you have me as a friend," Rangiku teased. "But there is one more serious question before I teach you how to be a proper lady in between the sheets. How are you going to deal with Renji?"

Rukia's head snapped up at that and she glared at the taller woman. "I have already discussed this with him. He knows that my heart is now with Ichigo."

"But Rukia, for a time there you and Renji were really connecting. Everyone was certain that with time you two would marry. These orders from Central 46 can't just change your heart like that, can they? And what about him? What is really in Renji's heart?"

Rukia thought for a moment and then said, "Renji will probably never stop loving me. And I will never lose my affection for him. We are very close friends. I won't deny that I knew that if things went as they were going that we would end up together. Probably even raise a family." Idiot, you don't need to dwell on those thoughts now! They are over! "But I also had great affection for Ichigo. When I heard the orders I realized that in a way I was torn between those two men. Given time, I would have been with Renji, but in the moment, I tipped the scales towards Ichigo. With our admissions of our feelings... well, it was like a flood of pent up romance and love for Ichigo filled me."

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