The Evil Unveils Its Face, Part 1

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Ichigo and Rukia walked over to safe house for Rurichiyo and her bodyguards, just down the street from the Kurosaki Clinic. Their hands were intertwined and it surprised both of them, though they did not voice it, that the gesture now felt entirely normal. Almost as though they had been doing it forever. Along the way they talked about what had transpired back in Hueco Mundo.

"So, we have a date tomorrow," Ichigo said, wincing. Rukia pursed her lips at this. "Look Rukia, this is really difficult, and I am sorry to put you through this, but-"

"Idiot," she said, cutting him off. "I knew what I was getting into when I accepted the orders." She gave Ichigo a fierce glare before continuing on with a softer tone, "I appreciate your situation. It is hard for both of us. I think we just need to enjoy the here and now."

Ichigo squeezed her hand. Rukia smiled at him and then said, "Your sisters looked enthusiastic about the wedding party plans."

"Yeah, Yuzu has all of her friends and classmates working on getting the dishes ready. And Karin says that she has some fun games and whatnot in mind."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you were starting to look forward to our wedding," Rukia teased.

Ichigo gave her a look this time. What can I say to that? If I agree, she'll make fun of me for being sullen. Which I have a right to be because this is still insane! But if I answer no, she'll get angry at me. Damn it! Rather than answer, he just squeezed her hand again. Rukia chuckled and whispered, "Idiot."

Though Rukia had planned the particulars of the wedding, she had given Yuzu and Karin permission to put together an after party and participate in the ceremony. Ichigo had not seen his sisters so delighted in a long time. He thought it was odd that they just accepted that he was going to get married, but Karin insisted that they needed to get him out of the house anyway.

He had also received messages from the reassembling Shiba Clan. Kukaku wanted to meet with Ichigo at his next convenience. He was not looking forward to that meeting. His distant relatives on his dad's side were super over the top. But he needed to meet with them soon. Rukia brought the conversation back to life.

"Ichigo, I won't pry into your meetings with Harribel." It sounded to Ichigo like she cared a big deal about it, but was trying to stay polite and understanding. "But please, do not forget about what we have."

Before Ichigo could find something cooler to say, he found himself blurting, "Rukia, you have my heart. We have shared so much together. I could never forget you!"

Rukia chuckled and shook her head a little. "You are such a sap."

"Wha-! What do you want from me," Ichigo sputtered.

Rukia leaned against him and said softly, "You, just the way you are Ichigo. Even if you are a fool."

"Fine, then just know I'm only going to adopt a stoic face and say nothing whenever you bring up this sappy stuff again!"

Ichigo put his signature scowl back into place and they walked the rest of the way to Rurichiyo's place in silence. He did catch that Rukia was smiling happily, though. Once they arrived at the house, Ichigo and Rukia were both surprised to see Chad and Uryu waiting there as well.

"W-What are you both doing here," Ichigo asked indignantly. He tried to pull away from Rukia, but she held on tightly. She cast the group an amused grin at Ichigo's discomfort.

"We were both asked to come here by Sir Kenryu," Uryu stated simply, pushing his glasses neatly into place, though they obviously didn't need the adjustment.

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