Editor's Note

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Dear Reader,

To be a teen is hard! Your bodies are going through changes, you don’t see your parents the same way as you did when you were younger and you begin to wonder what direction you might want to go after you are done with the high school years. So firstly, give a pat on your back because you are awesome.

It gives me great pleasure as the editor to welcome you to our very first issue of Crescendo☆ Magazine. It is a monthly online magazine, revolving around various teen related columns such as Beauty Tips, Horoscopes, Teen Gossip, Anonymous Advice, Featured Watty Stories, etc. 

A month ago, while I was just lousing around in my bedroom, the mail man had arrived with the letters. He had misdelivered a magazine to our flat (Which is a very common phenomenon here.) It was a teenage magazine - replete with pictures of make-up clad pop-stars on the cover. After handing it over to the respective owner of the magazine, an idea struck me - "How about I start a new online magazine?" And that is where it all began :) I made Google forms, started hiring staff and graphic designers and began with it right away.

But here's what I've learned: Starting a magazine is not as easy as you might think. There were times when I actually questioned starting a magazine. Quite a few members of our staff turned unresponsive, some didn't respect deadlines and some had to leave us due to certain health/personal problems. But nevertheless, I've been blessed with the best of staff and I'm sure no other magazine on here would have such an amazing set of people to work with. They all work harmoniously as a main unit. Want to know more about them? 

@kimomonibow (Design and Graphics Department) Kim Berlin is a Filipino graphic designer. She is an Art student (specifically a Film major) at the university in the Philippines. She is currently an illustrator and an artist in her University newspaper and magazine. She's been making covers for various Wattpad authors since Jan, 2013.

@aneclarice (Design and Graphics Department) Clarice is in the 3rd year of being an animator student in the University of St. La Salle in the Philippines. She is an art student, photographer and a designer. She's really good at making covers. I always get covers for my books done from her!

@adventuregirl2108: (Supervisor and Auditor Department, Anonymous Advice Corner) Shirayuki is a Filipino too! Well, most of the people on Wattpad are from the Philippines. But she is half Japanese half Filipino. You could call her Yupina too! She's very amicable. Also, she is in our Anonymous Advice Department too!

@buterfly440: (Supervisor and Auditor Department, Teen Gossip Department) Her name is Meagan but you could call her Meg :) She's from Florida and she's a Latina! Meg is always on Wattpad so if you have any problem or query, you could PM her and expect a reply soon.

@thelion_ (Wattpad News and Updates Department, Featured Wattpad Stories Department) Meet Jessica! She likes to be called Jess however. I still remember interviewing her long back for a book titled “Wattpad’s Undiscovered Gems.” Who knew she would be working with me now for a magazine! The world (or rather Wattpad?) is indeed a small place.

@straight2urheart (Wattpad News and Updates Department, Publicity Department): I have the pleasure of knowing Deepanjali personally. Well, not really ‘personally’ though. We have a common friend! Deepanjali’s a real fun girl who thinks she’s annoying but she isn’t. Most of the ideas for the Publicity Department are from her side.

@SacredPen (Writing Tips Department, Featured Wattpad Stories Department): He’s a wonderful writer! I remember approaching him for the interview (Just like Jessica). Janus is like a little brother to me – though there are many things I haven’t discovered about him as yet. Oh and yeah, he’s the only ‘guy’ member from our staff so girls, watch out! ;)

@BertaCambell (Anonymous Advice Corner, Horoscopes Department): She’s Bella from the Anon Advice Corner! So you all might know her well. She’s into a lot of fandoms so don’t hesitate to initiate a chat with her. You never know, you both could have a mutual fandom ;)

@BabeWithBrains12 (Writing Tips Department, Fashion and Beauty Tips Department): As her username indicates, she indeed is a smarty-pant. (I don’t know if such a word exists.) My personal favourite article of this issue is the Fashion 101 article written by her so you guys must check that out!

@KaylaLynchR5 (Fashion and Beauty Tips Department): The first thing I noticed while checking out her Google form to hire her was that she shared her birthday with my mother! Kayla is also a huge fandom fanatic! You could guess that by taking a look at her profile. (By the way, I lovee One Direction soo much!! Nialler is such a cutey patutey! It’s just asdfghjk. Okay sorry bye! )

@beingcheesy (Horoscopes Department, Interview Department): Arzoo is extremely active on Wattpad! Especially in the social media clubs. So you must have noticed her somewhere or the other in some thread. (Well, I have.) She’s an avid poet and her poems have managed to earn the rankings as well. Oh and she’s an Indian! From Delhi to be precise.

@RockMetwice: (Interview Department, Publicity Department.): Unfortunately, she’s not a part of our magazine anymore. She had been diagnosed with Cancer few days back and she has left Wattpad for her treatment. Nevertheless, I did mention her here because she was totally enthusiastic about her work. And hands down, she was my favourite staff member.  She had interviewed @ChristopherWebster before leaving so you could check that out! 

So these are the people I work with. Still inquisitive? There's always ask.fm! You could ask about our staff via the ask.fm link mentioned in our bio. I hope you enjoy our first issue of Crescendo☆ 

Chocolate Chip Cookies, 

Ash (The Editor)

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