Chapter 6

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Shit, the oven was beeping. Damn it, I forgot about the lasagna. I hurried to the kitchen and grabbed the oven mitts and pulled the lasagna out, shit it was sort of burnt. God she's gonna bitch at me! Ugh.

I put the garlic bread in the oven so it could warm up and be done by the time Kali got home with Justin. I moved to the fridge and opened it pulling the salad that Kali had 'made' already. And by made I mean, opened the premade salad bag from the store and put it in a bowl before in the fridge.

I sat the salad bowl on the table and got the plates and utensils out of the cupboard setting the table.

I heard the front door swing open followed by a "Daddy!"

"I'm in the kitchen Justin! Go wash your hands and come to the table to eat!" I called as I moved to cut the lasagna into squares.

"Why does it smell like burnt lasagna?"

I gave a sigh and took a step back opening the oven and pulled the garlic bread out, "Because the timer was set too long," I stated.

"Well I told you to watch it," Kali stated as she came over and looked over my shoulder, "Darryl! You burnt the cheese!"

I gave a huff and cut the garlic bread before putting it on a plate, "Want to stop criticizing me, and put these on the table please," I said quietly and handed her the plate of garlic bread.

"I'm not criticizing you," she stated as she took the plate to the table.

"Daddy! Can I have pop with supper?" Justin asked as he perched himself on his chair.

I was about to tell him he could have a little bit but Kali jumped in, "Justin its a school night, you know the rules," she said with a scolding tone.

Justin pouted but didn't say anything, I gave a sigh and went to the fridge getting the carton of juice out and a glass pouring some in the glass. "Here bud, have some juice," I said gently.

"Darryl take it to him, he doesn't need to get up until he's done his dinner," Kali stated.

I put the carton back in the fridge and tried not to roll my eyes at her, she was being such a bitch. I carried Justin's juice over to him, "Here bud."

"Thank you dad," Justin said with a smile.

"Welcome bud," I said gently. I picked up his plate and went over to get him his piece of the lasagna. I went back grabbing my own plate, "You getting your own lasagna or do you want me to put a piece on your plate?" I questioned her.

"You get it, I'm going to run down to the cellar and get the bottle of red chardonnay to go with dinner," Kali stated before she slipped out of the room.

I gave a sigh and grabbed both plates putting some lasagna on both them, was tempted to spit on hers but Justin was kind of in the room and she'd likely notice. I put the plates down and took my spot across from Justin. Somehow Kali got the head of the table, I'm the man of the house it's supposed to me mine!

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