Chapter 16

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Darryl's POV

The beeping of my alarm pulled me from the darkness of sleep. Rolling from my front to my back I sit up and hit the off button on the alarm clock. Stretching I look over at Austin still asleep, thankfully the alarm didn't seem to have disturbed him. The bed creaked as my weight was shifted off of it and onto my feet. 4:30, I had time for a quick shower and enough time to make some breakfast before I'd have to leave if I wished to make it to work by 6. Not that I wished to make it to work for 6, but if I didn't Simon would hunt me down.

Walking over to our dresser I pick up the clothes I had laid out the night before, plain grey tee shirt, black boxers, black socks and blue jeans. Silently I avoid the floor boards that creak as I headed to the bathroom. I shut the door behind myself before turning the water on.

I stayed in the shower longer then I had originally planned, looking at the clock in the kitchen it was already 5am. Frowning I move to the fridge to pull out the eggs. Bacon and eggs had been the plan but looked like it was going to be more of a eggs and toast morning. Oh the hell with it I might as well make the bacon too. Quickly grabbing the bacon from the fridge too I move to the stove. I placed the two pans on the burners and turned them on.

I made too much food by the time I was done. Just as I was putting the leftovers into one pan I heard the floorboard by the bedroom creak. Austin was awake, oh I hope I hadn't waken him. Placing the lid on the pan I moved to the table with my plate. I sat down quietly and started to eat. Looking up from my plate as Austin came into the kitchen I frown, "I didn't wake you did I?" I asked him softly.

He shook his head and moved to put the pot of coffee on, "No you didn't." He said softly. He moved to lean against his back the counter as he looked at me.

I nodded quietly, "there's some scrambled eggs and bacon in the frying pan on the stove, probably still warm." I told him gently.

He smiled and though he smiled I could still tell he was tired. He grabbed a plate from the cupboard before putting the contents of the pan onto the plate and coming to sit across from me at the table. "How did you sleep?" He asked me gently.

After shoving a piece of bacon in my mouth I shrug at his question, "Okay I guess." I answered after a minute, I hadn't slept wonderfully but it wasn't the worst sleep of my life but at the same time it was kind of crappy because I had been up at least once from a bad dream but at least it was a different dream then the usual house fire.

He nodded, "That's good," he said gently. He glanced at the coffee maker before standing up and moving to pour himself a cup, "Do you want a regular cup or a mug you can take with you?" He asked gently.

Shifting my eyes to the clock I sigh, "Might as well make it a mug," I told him gently as I finished eating. As I stood to put my empty plate in the sink Austin moved to wrap his arms around my waist. He pressed his chest against my back before he moved to kiss my neck.

"It's going to be okay," he told me softly as he moved his head away from my neck. I let out a quiet breath as my only reply, he didn't know it was going to be okay.

"Dar, I'm serious, it's going to be okay. It's just going to be a regular day at work." He said softly.

"Yeah we'll see," I muttered quietly before moving to pull away from him. "Thanks for the coffee," I add as I grab the travel mug off the counter.

He let out a sigh, "Okay, well at least try and have a good day. Be safe. And you can call me if you need to vent about anything."

I rolled my eyes, he was so confident about it but I am not. "Yeah, I will. I'll see you tomorrow morning." I grabbed my work bag before heading out of the house. I got in my car and drove towards the city, sipping at my coffee as I went. 

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