Chapter 15 Part 2

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Austin's POV

Walking away from Darryl I head towards were most of the people seemed to be gathered, on a deck and patio were the barbecue was. I glanced around a little before finding the cooler, two males were standing by it, and both had beers in their hands. Going over to the cooler I find that this was indeed the beer cooler, easily I pulled two beers out, one for myself and one for Darryl, maybe it would help him relax a little bit. I could only hope anyways.

"Hey, haven't seen you before, who are you here with?" the one male spoke, his voice gentle and friendly.

I give him and his buddy an easy smile, "Hey, I'm Austin, a friend of Darryl's." I said easily.

The two gave me a curious look, "Huh, Toni had said that Darryl's girlfriend was coming with him." The same male spoke again.

"She had family stuff, and Darryl hadn't wanted to go alone so he asked me," I shrugged.

"That's too bad, oh well sure we'll get to meet her sooner or later," he said easily.

I nodded, "Yeah I imagine at some point he'll bring her around," it felt like I was stabbing myself. I was telling these guys that Darryl had a girlfriend, when really that was I. I hadn't had to lie like this since high school. It was weird doing it again now. I took the beers and turned to see Kali and some guy in front of Dar. I swallowed hard before walking over.

Kali laughed, "Go for it. Take me to court. You won't get anything anyways." She stated.

Oh no, this wasn't good. I came up beside Dar, tempted to wrap my arm around him but held off. I gave a steady glare at Kali, "He will take you to court and he will get to see his son, Kali." I stated.

"No judge around here is going to let a father and his faggot friend have visitation to a 5 year old." Kali snapped.

Darryl held a pained looked on his face, like the other night when he'd woken up from his nightmare. Looking at Kali I shook my head, "A judge will let him see his son, its not like he is incapable of taking care of him." I told her easily.   I could feel eyes on us now, people were watching us, and there were quiet whispers.

She shook her head, "He wont get the rights to my son," she stated before she walked off with the man that was with her.

I shook my head and just let her leave before I looked at Darryl, "Here have a beer," I offered him the beer easily.

He looked at me, his green eyes pained, "I'm never going to get to see him," he whispered.

I looked around quickly to see how close people were to us before I spoke to him, "Baby don't listen to her, she is trying to upset you. We'll get a lawyer and you'll get to see him. I swear." I told him quietly, careful to say 'baby' extra quiet so no one could hear me say it.

He took the beer from me and popped it open easily before he downed half of it, he looked at me, "Lets go find someone to talk with," he said quietly.

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