Chapter 17

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Turning into the parking lot easily find a parking spot. After parking my Caviller, I made sure I grab my duffle bag and travel mug as I got out of the car. Glancing around the parking lot, I try to remember who was on shift today, Simon was the supervisor for the shift, Toni was on shift today. Those were the only two I can recall working.

Walking into the hall I immediately head for the stairs, I can go upstairs and put my bag down, hopefully I could pick a fairly quiet section of the upstairs to hang out for the day.

"Morning Darryl," Toni's voice made me jump.

I was just about to go up the stairs, I turned around to look at him, "Morning Toni," I said easily. I was trying not to freak out but damn it was hard.

Toni studied me for a moment before he spoke again, "How are you doing?" He asked gently.

Terrible, I'm doing terrible. I don't want to be here. Surely someone is going to have a problem with me being gay.

Taking a breath I lift my shoulders in a little shrug, "Alright I guess," I lie quietly.

"Are you sure?" He asked gently, "You look a little stressed."

As he said it I could feel the tension in my shoulders and face. I half lifted my one shoulder in another little shrug, "Eh, it's just been a long few days. But I'm alright." I told him.

He nodded easily, "Look I'm really sorry about yesterday. We didn't invite Kali, Marie had mentioned it but once we found out you guys weren't together we asked her not to come. And what she did was very inappropriate and we're sorry you had to go through that." He explained gently.

I stared at him for a moment, "I ugh don't know what to say Toni," I admitted quietly.

"Just let us know if you need anything. I can't imagine everything is very easy right now." He said gently.

"Yes it definitely hasn't been easy, but I suppose it could be worse," I said gently. Could be worse, probably not by much. But at least I'm not living in a hotel completely single. I'm just not seeing my son.

"Have you been able to see Justin?" He asked me gently.

I shook my head, "No. She refuses to let me see him. Yesterday was the first time I've seen him since I left, and even then I didn't get to see him very long."

"Have you tried going to the house to get her to let you see him?" He asked gently.

I frowned, "No not exactly," I admitted.

"Maybe you should try going and see if she'll let you take him out for dinner or something," He said gently.

I thought about it for a minute before nodding, "Yeah, maybe you're right." I admitted gently, "I just don't know what to tell him or what she's already told him. I'm worried she's turning him against me."

He shook his head, "Justin is five, all he is going to care about is seeing his dad," he told me gently.

I nodded, "I suppose that's true. He was quite happy to see me yesterday but he just wanted to know when I was coming home. I should try going to see him, but I don't have any answers he'll want."

"You should go see him. Not sure what to tell you on the answers part though." He said gently. "But I'm serious Darryl, just let us know if you need anything."

I nodded, "I will, thanks." I told him gently before heading upstairs. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all.

       *           *           *         *           *            *

The morning had been slow, one false alarm, otherwise it was just sitting around talking. After lunch, Toni and I headed out to pick up some groceries, he promised to barbecue the next time ribs went on sale.

Toni was pushing the cart around the store and I was just kind of tagging along. I couldn't help but wonder what grocery shopping with Austin would be like. Would I push the cart or would he? Would he be easy to shop with, have his list planned out before hand or would he just wing it?

"So Darryl, you going to tell me about Austin?" Toni's question caught me off guard. I stared at him for a minute.

Finally I shrugged, "I don't know, what do you want to know?" I asked him gently.

"What is it he does for a living?"

"He is a cattle farmer. He's got his own ranch that he inherited from his parents." I said gently.

Toni nodded, "Nice. Have you met his parents yet?" He asked softly.

I shook my head, "No, his dad died when he was in his last year of high school and his mom died two years ago." I said gently.

Toni frowned, "that's too bad. Has he met yours?"

I shook my head, "No, not yet. I ugh haven't exactly told them yet." I admitted. After I'd finished college my parents had moved from Kansas to Florida. I don't really talk to them much and see them even less.

He nodded easily, "You should probably at least call them and tell them you and Kali split up. Start there. And when you're ready invite them up to meet him."

"Yeah I should call them," I agreed gently, for the rest of it I don't know when I'd tell them about being gay or when I'd invite them up.

"So where did you guys meet?" He asked gently.

I felt my cheeks heat up a little bit as I thought about it, "You ugh remember my Camaro?" I asked him.

He looked at me curious, "of course I do. What about it?"

"Austin bought it off me, so that's kinda how we met."

"Oh wow, that's a helluva way to meet."

I nodded, "definitely, I went out to see it a week or so after he bought it and things kinda went from there. Not that I had that intent when I went out but yeah."

"Fair enough, I hadn't gone to the bar expecting to meet the woman I'd marry." He said gently. "Is he much older than you?"

"A few years, six years," I said softly.

"That's not bad." He said gently. "So are you living with him?"

I nodded quietly, "Yeah kinda."

"Kinda?" He asked gently. "Are you, or aren't you living with him?"

Just as I was about to answer him my phone started to go off. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and smiled as I seen it was Austin calling. I answered it and put it to my ear, "Hey," I said gently.

"Hey baby, how's work going?" He asked softly.

"Surprisingly well," I told him softly, "What's up?" I asked him gently.

"I just thought I'd call to see how things were going, no issues with anyone?" he asked softly.

I shook my head, "No things have been good. I should go though, just finishing getting some groceries so we can make dinner." I told him softly.

Austin sighed gently, "Yeah okay. I'll see you tomorrow morning," He said gently.

"Yeah I will, I'll see you in the morning," I told him softly.

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