Chapter 7 Part 1

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Monday well I was at work I had to call Austin and tell him I couldn't go and see him Friday night because Kali was making me go out for dinner. God he was so mad at me when I told him. He kept saying that I needed to tell her soon, so that we could be together. God how I wanted to be with him but I can't tell her. No I couldn't risk it, but I also didn't want to stop seeing him.

* * * * * * * * *

I gave a sigh as Kali parked her Prius in the parking lot behind this new restaurant in town. Kali had picked this restaurant after going to her stupid book club. One of the ladies had highly recommended it to the others so here we were having to try it. I stepped out with her and she gave a huff pulling the hem of her blue dress down since it had rode up when she was sitting in the car. The dress she had on -if it was a year ago and I was still straight- would make her look really freaking hot and sexy with how short and tight it was.

I met her at the front of the car and wrapped my arm around her as we walked to the front doors of the restaurant. I had to make it look like I wanted her right?

We walked inside and got a table for the two of us and ordered our drinks. The waitress brought our drinks and we ordered our meals.

There was this table of men sitting not far from us and they kept looking at Kali, all of them and they weren't doing it very secretly. It was pathetic really.  What was worse, Kali would look over at them now and then and smile, SMILE at them! I just rolled my green eyes and sat there starting to eat as the waitress brought our food.

"So baby, I've been thinking," Kali stated looking at me with her blue eyes.

I looked at her as I took a bite of my food, "About what?" I asked, god what was she thinking about now!

"I think we should have another baby," she said after she had a bite of her own food. "Justin's five now and well I know that being an only child can suck."

I nearly spit my food out when I heard her, I swallowed quickly before getting a drink. I looked at her, was she serious? "I don't know, I kinda like just having Justin and you complained last time you were pregnant that you were ugly and fat," I reminded her.

"We yeah, I'd get fat and ugly again but it didn't take that long to get back in shape after I had Justin," Kali said.

I shrugged, "I don't know Kali, I like just having Justin and don't know if I want another one yet," I said.

She shrugged, "I want another one, I want one soon," she stated.

"Well I have to think about it," I told her and went back to eat.

"Not that hard to have sex with me and get me pregnant. When we didn't want it to happen, it happened so I bet it would take one try to get me pregnant this time," Kali muttered.

I was nearly done my meal, "I just don't know of that's what I want Kali, I don't know if I want another child," I said.

She was quiet for a moment well we finished our meals, "Don't you mean you don't know if you want another kid with me?" she questioned.

I looked at her confused, "What? No, I just don't know if I want another kid yet."

"No I think you'd rather have a kid with another women," Kali stated.

I blinked, "What the hell?" I questioned. Not this again.

"Well you refuse to have sex with me so you have to be getting it from another women somewhere," She stated her eyes cold.

"I'm not sleeping with another women, I just don't have the same sex drive as when we were kids," I stated.

"Mhm," she muttered with a roll of her eyes.

"I'm going to the bathroom, you wanna pay so we can go get Justin from your parents and go home?" I asked her as I stood up.

"Whatever," Kali muttered.

I turned and started to the bathroom so I can simply get away from my bitch wife. I walked to the bathroom and went to the sink putting my hands in the edge and closed my eyes, how the hell did we manage to have that conversation in this restaurant?

I heard the main door open but just ignored it leaning against the counter still. Why did she have to bring stuff like that up in a restaurant? Why couldn't we talk about it in the car or at home? 

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