George and John: Fatties and Pals

208 7 31

My very first attempt at making a comic. Basically George and John see a place that advertises free candy and get super fat.

I'm really sorry about how blurry this photo looks, it took me forever to try and make it look as decent as possible. So in the first panel they see free candy.

In the next panel they go inside and get tied up by some robot arms or something.

Then in the panel after that they see a special machine called the Feed-O-Tron which they get attached to in the next three panels.

Then poor John and George start panicking, worried about what will happen next, then tubes are put into their mouths, fattening them up.

Then in the last two panels we see only their bellies that are now taking up the whole room and for some reason all that eating made them tired so then they sleep. They also have Piggy Harrison and Walrus Lennon written on their bellies for some reasons IDK.

Anyways as usual COMMENT!!!!

My attempts at drawingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora