Big picture spam!!

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Here we have a giant spam of pictures I drew over the past few days!

Here we have a giant spam of pictures I drew over the past few days!

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First up we have part dragon Johnny with a teenager Julian. I gave him regular skin rather than scales since his mother Cynthia was human. All hybrid creatures take on more of their biological mother's appearance to me. Also I gave him a little flower birthmark on his cheek to try and make it like an equivalent to John's vine pattern.

 Also I gave him a little flower birthmark on his cheek to try and make it like an equivalent to John's vine pattern

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Now for Ringo's kids all hanging out by the sea. Nothing much else to say here.

Baby Beatles!! John there when George hatched (also I made his egg too big, fail)

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Baby Beatles!! John there when George hatched (also I made his egg too big, fail). They would grow up together and bond over the years.

Witch sisters Cyn and Pattie! Pattie's more of a black magic user, which is why I gave her more of a cult like outfit and those horns

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Witch sisters Cyn and Pattie! Pattie's more of a black magic user, which is why I gave her more of a cult like outfit and those horns. Cynthia meanwhile knows all sorts of different spells.

Now here's where all the couples in the little AU come in! Paul with Linda, John with Cynthia, George with Pattie, Ringo with Maureen and Stu with Astrid! Also I had a big blank spot left so I just drew Julia to fill it up

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Now here's where all the couples in the little AU come in! Paul with Linda, John with Cynthia, George with Pattie, Ringo with Maureen and Stu with Astrid! Also I had a big blank spot left so I just drew Julia to fill it up.

Now here's where all the couples in the little AU come in! Paul with Linda, John with Cynthia, George with Pattie, Ringo with Maureen and Stu with Astrid! Also I had a big blank spot left so I just drew Julia to fill it up

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Here's John and Stu just flying in the air.

John: Wow Stu, you really suck at flying.

Stu: I would be doing a better job if you just let me preen my feathers!

Now for something a little different. MONSTER LENNISON!!!

John there with his vampire boyfriend while Stu notices them from afar

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John there with his vampire boyfriend while Stu notices them from afar. Also yeah I did get lazy and just made Stu another vampire instead of trying to come up with a new species for him. He'd be like George's overprotective guardian who's skeptical about John and doesn't want George to be around him.

Stu: The guy wears fishnet stockings and high heel boots!

George: He's an incubus, what did you expect him to wear?

Now for some regular human Beatles.

Here's my hand at LennCliff, Stu's there cheering up Johnny when he was feeling bad about his body

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Here's my hand at LennCliff, Stu's there cheering up Johnny when he was feeling bad about his body.

Also I'm posting all these pictures together because I'm running out of chapters so I'm trying to save as many as I can

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