New book cover!

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Here's a small concept cover for a new book that I'll be working on with -Sitarday- !!! It's going to be called "Crown Quest: A Beatles Adventure"!

The Beatles will be the main stars of course, they're Knights on a mission to recover King Brian's crown from a thief who's planning to use it for-hey! I can't give you guys any spoilers! You'll need to wait until the book comes out to find out what's going on. Anyways

Here are how the Beatles will look in the book without their armor on. Those dragon shaped birthmarks on their foreheads will also be important to the story later on. John's helping Brian mostly so he can get out of the village he lives in and have some fun, Paul wants to prove that he can be an excellent knight and hopes to go up a rank, George was framed as the thief as he had stole food before to feed his large family and is only going along so he can prove his innocence, and Ringo's Paul's best buddy and knows his way around the kingdom so he can lead the team and find some lead to who the thief could be.



My attempts at drawingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin