~Chapter 1~

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I was sitting with Plue stroking him as he was calm as always. I turned my head to see Erza walking into the room. "Rest stop is over we are checking the wall, they seem to keep attacking on our doorsteps as Russia and America are too busy to help out" Erza spoke as I got up saying 'search' to Plue making him rush ahead sniffing around. I checked my gun was ready before Erza and I slowly followed where Plue went. "They want us down first" I spoke looking toward Erza who nodded.

"Japan has members like Fairy Tail who have been a pain in the Empire's ass so I can see where they are coming from they have weakened Russia and America to where they cannot do a thing so they need to work on their biggest threat" Erza replied in deep thought about this. I kept quiet not wanting to destroy her thought as she soon looked toward me and smiled. "Nothing us two can't handle they did give us that nick name after all" Erza spoke getting me to laugh as the people at our base called us 'Army Girls'.

It was a small joke at first but it did soon turned into a real nickname to us. I never saw it going that far. We kept walking until we was at two double doors Plue growling at them in a stance. "Plue here" I whispered him listening coming to my side as Erza and I were gun ready. "Squad two, Plue's picked something up" Erza spoke on the coms as we had a 'be careful' reply us opening the doors to see wild deer. Outside the walls was a wasteland. A small area all the way around Japan had this. The waste land the Empire caused.

"You know Makarov will hold you that normally yearly party, why not cheer up a bit?" Erza asked as the deer ran off out the room soon as they heard Erza's voice. I sighed shaking my head. "This day doesn't stand for my birthday anymore it stands for rage for what the Empire has done" I replied as Erza sighed shaking her head. I couldn't find it in myself to be happy today. I lost so many people I knew, cared for, loved. Erza called in it was just some deer and to meet outside at the meet point.

"Plue you must be hungry, we will eat some food when we get home" I spoke him behind right next to me as I petted his head. Erza and I moved out the building meeting with our squad as we headed back to the check point to enter the base. Once there we heard helicopters heading our way. We all turned around seeing Empire soldiers dropping in, the helicopters having guns on shooting at us making us rush to cover.

"MAN DOWN" someone shouted from behind as I couldn't check what was happening. I was firing ahead aiming toward the Empire's men who had taken covered among the wreckage we set up to give us cover ourselves. Erza was calling in the attack as we had guts on the wall shooting RPG's toward the helicopters as more men were showing up putting down some heavy fire. "LUCY RIGHT SIDE I GO LEFT" Erza shouted moving as I moved to the left just able to not get shot in that moment. 

I soon started shooting once again as it wasn't long until I had to reload. While doing so the squad cut in half some on my back while the others on Erza's. We slowly pushing the ground attack back. The guys on the wall were only able to get one out of the four helicopters down. "Swinging back to get the Hellies" I spoke on the coms as I rushed back grabbing the RPG in the armored truck that was waiting to take us into the base as I lined up at a helicopter right above me as I shot sending it flying crashing down to the left not hitting any of our guys

I moved to the ammo on the other side of the armored truck as I was loading up the RPG as some of our guys hit another. One left. It started shooting down at me as I was behind the armored truck pinned down. All I was able to hear it the gun fire from the helicopter and the clanging of it hitting the armored truck. I knew this truck wouldn't last out forever as I slowly crawled to the end of the side only to be pinned the gun fire following me all the way along. They had eyes on me too well.

I soon heard beeping as I smirked. Homing launcher. Soon the gunfire stopped as I heard the helicopter go down and crash. I got up seeing Erza rushing over as I looked around for Plue to see him with another squad member letting him free to run over to me. "Close one" Erza spoke hugging me. I chuckled hugging back. "Nothing new for us" I replied as we had many close ones. Our luck would one day help us end this war or run out. I knew the ending the war was a long shot but I preferred that then to dying.

We got into the armored truck as Plue was in the gunner seat his head out the top as I was at the back. Erza was out front as one of our members was driving us into the base to our stop to drop us there. To the main command post. Our so called home. It was a training camp more than a home. Makarov keeping us tested and trained. Always keeping us alerted and ready for this war. Most would hate his ways but it stopped us from getting killed out there. He only started this when we asked so it was our own fault.

I personally ended up liking the training and test and I knew Erza did as well. "Lucy we check on Makarov when we get back" I heard Erza as I nodded leaning back as it was a short ride to our place. I got out bringing Plue with me my way as Erza start stretching once out the truck it driving off soon as we was out. We headed into our building as I ordered Plue to stay in the main room. We headed upstairs to the command room to see Makarov staring at the screens. "That is the fourth attack this week" Erza spoke getting his attention.

"I am glad you girls made it out safe" Makarov replied turning his head looking toward Erza who was questioning if he was about to test her or not. "They are sending more and more people each attack we might not be able to hold out with just squads we need to stop hiding" Erza soon spoke as Makarov smiled asking if we come with him. Erza and I looked toward each other confused as we followed Makarov to the third floor balcony where no one could really hear us .I was confused.

"You two are the only ones I can fully trust" he spoke going on the stepping box to look over the balcony. He was a very short old man after all. "What you mean?" Erza asked as I was keeping quiet as I felt as if this was another one of his test. "I'm sending you two into No-Mans-Land. We are taking the fight to them you are right Erza we can hide forever" Makarov answered as we was in shock. "Remember to come home alive afterwards" Makarov spoke as Erza nodded looking toward me with some excitement in her eyes.

I on the other hand was more interested on what this test and lesson was meant to teach us.

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