~Chapter 17~

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My eyes were widen staring at Irene in shock as she was smirking standing up aiming her gun toward me. "Pick one to die" she spoke as I was still taking deep breaths they was starting to get longer. "Myself" I spoke loudly as Erza and Laxus shouted 'no me' as Irene chuckled walking up to me grabbing my hair lifting me up and put me in the chair she was once sitting on. "The answer I was looking for, I do like you Heartfilla. I might make you my own" Irene spoke shooting my leg as I bit my bottom lip hard making it bleed. 

"LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE!" Erza shouted as Irene turned her head looking toward Erza bored. "I was using you two as a test but now it's time to offer Heartfilla my deal" Irene spoke sounding more like a business woman as she turned her head to face me. "Come with me without trouble and I will let them live or I kill them and drag you off" Irene then smiled as I heard Jellal say 'not happening' as there was shooting as Irene moved to cover fast as Levy was rushing to Erza's side as she was shouting to get to me first. 

Jellal, Mira, Gray and Juvia were cornering Irene who smirked. My body felt weak. It felt pain. Irene soon pulled out a second pistol shooting Gray's side pushing him into the wall as she got up shooting Juvia's shoulder and Mira's leg not missing one shot as she aimed toward me. "Wanna pick blue boy?" she asked as Precht then was behind Jellal hitting him hard behind the neck making him fall to the ground unable to move as he stole his gun. "Now then Heartfilla, what is your choice?" Irene asked looking at me.

"How can I trust you will keep your word?" I asked as Erza shouted that I was a baka for even thinking about agreeing as Irene walked over her head close to my own. "Because you are the granddaughter of Anna Heartfilla, my best friend and I promised her to find her bloodline and save it from Japan's grasp" she then spoke confusing me as she then grabbed my arm pulling me onto my feet as I was still under the drugs control as she grabbed another needle stabbing my arm. "ARE YOU CRAZY YOU WILL KILL HER!" Levy shouted. 

I soon was screaming in pain as Irene sighed. "Makarov has turned you to fight us, so I must use what I have to turn the Heartfilla name back to the Empire" Irene spoke as I fell onto my knees coughing blood onto the ground as Erza shouted my name worried as she looked in pure pain from moving. Levy was looking toward me worried as Ivan returned saying the ride was ready. "Precht time to leave" Irene spoke pulling me to my feet putting cuffs on my wrist as Precht walked over grabbing the bag of drugs. 

"Erza..." I whispered weakly as Erza was pushing herself to stand. "Get your hands off my little sister" Erza snapped harshly as Irene pushed me into Precht who was holding me tight. Irene loaded her gun as Gray moved in front of Erza willing to take the bullet for her as Irene laughed. "Fairies always protect each other I was told. I like that so I will let you all live until the end, you will all soon bow down or die" Irene spoke walking over grabbing my arm taking me from Precht as I was being dragged off by Irene.

I looked back unable to move to stop her. Erza moved forward only to fall to her knees coughing blood herself. She pushed herself to hard. I was soon being dragged up some stairs to outside snow falling onto my face as I was being pushed into a truck. Ivan was in watching me as Precht and Irene took another ride as I was struggling with breathing. "That woman will kill you if you don't submit" Ivan spoke as I spat blood onto the empty seat next to me. "Then I am going down with a fight, I will never help you bastards" I spoke as Ivan smirked.

"Brandish said the same words until Irene took her" Ivan spoke as I froze. Brandish went through this hell? She was made to join them? That gave me some hope of saving her maybe. Then again I was pissed off she gave in more. "Irene gets what she wants girl, she is the third most powerful person in the Empire" Ivan then spoke as I finally unfroze and smirk leaning my head back. "I ain't giving in. Irene will just have to kill me" I spoke as Ivan only laughed at my words. I didn't want to give in. 

I couldn't. Giving in would mean helping these bastards. Would mean fighting my family. Would mean hurting the people who been there for me. I couldn't bring myself to do that. I wouldn't. I wouldn't join these bastards! 

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