~Chapter 14~

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When I woke up I was in a infirmary. I was unable to move my legs as I laid there taking normal breaths. "Your up huh?" I heard Natsu asked as I turned my head seeing him sitting in a chair in the corner of the room getting up. he had a worried smile on his face. "Worried he broke me?" I asked as Natsu shook her head walking sitting in the chair next to my bed. "Levy fears you won't be able to move your legs again" Natsu soon informed me as I looked toward toward my legs I felt no emotion coming out me.

I was confused on why. I used to be very emotional but all of a sudden I didn't have a single one. "Lucy we will get that bastard" Natsu spoke as I moved my arms into the air but they fell back down as I hissed in pain. Natsu looked worried. "I ain't letting you guys fight that bastard alone" I spoke as Natsu helped me sit up. The pain was there but not as bad as before. Erza came into the room and saw me awake. She rushed over as Plue was barking rushing in jumping on the bed laying on top of me. 

"Plue you got heavy" I spoke faking a smile as Erza was smiling toward me believing it but Natsu on the other hand saw through it easy. He knew I didn't want to worry my sister so he played along faking a smile himself. "It's good to see you awake you been asleep for a whole day as Levy's been getting that liquid drug out of you" Erza spoke putting a hand on my forehead as she sighed in relief. "Tempter good" she whispered as I rolled my eyes making my fake smile bigger. 

"What I missed?" I asked mostly wanting a report on that bastard Precht. "Empire are letting out their own powerful force like us Fairy Tail they call them Spriggan Twelve" Erza explained as I started thinking. I soon informed Erza that I saw Brandish with Precht as she froze up pure rage building up inside of her. "She's a Empire Dog now" I then spoke looking at my hands only just able to move my fingers. "I can't believe she would join them, after what they did to our family she picked to join them" Erza punched the wall as I took a deep breath.

"You need to push the Empire back while you can, soon as they get on their feet they will come forward to attack again" I then spoke as Erza sighed as I looked toward her. She only just went off making a hole in the wall. Well done to her. She soon agreed with me informing me she be back soon as she left. Plue was whimpering sniffing my hand. "I will be fine boy" I spoke as Natsu lost his fake smile looking at me with a serious look. "What is with you?" he soon asked as I stared toward the ceiling. 

"I-I can't feel much emotion anymore. I normally am so happy seeing Plue and Erza but just then.....I felt nothing" I answered confused not even scared just confused. I looked toward Natsu who's eyes were widen pure fear and worry in them. "I might be back to normal after a small while" I then spoke as Levy came into the room raising an eyebrow. "Tell her" Natsu ordered as I rolled my eyes sighing as he looked more worried. I told Levy word by word what I told Natsu as she looked worried.

"Lucy that liquid they put in you is trying to destroy your mind, memories and emotion you have to try and fight it" Levy spoke as I wasn't in any shock, fear and worry like them. I felt nothing what so ever. I just stared out the ceiling as they soon had to leave for a mission briefing. I was stuck in the infirmary able to move my arms and toes as I was stroking Plue. I didn't look away from the ceiling. I couldn't let that bastard win. I was able to feel one emotion at lest. Rage. I knew it wasn't the best to look at as positive. 

It meant I haven't given in fully. "Plue off" I spoke getting Plue to jump off the bed as I pushed myself to side on the edge of the bed, my feet on the floor. I couldn't let the others rush out ahead after this bastard without me. I wanted him dead more than most. I was able to push myself onto my feet nearly fall backwards until I balanced myself fast. Plue came over helping me walking to the wall as I leaned on it, taking deep breaths. "Thanks Plue" I spoke getting him to bark and wag his tail looking toward me.

He was one smart dog. It was rare to see a Husky in a K9 unit but it did happen if the dog was able. I was able to get to some clothes Erza put on the side before as I was able to get changed without help and then headed out the room, Plue staying by my side. I felt better with him next to me. We headed outside to see us in the American base in DC. Must of been one long ass flight. I took a deep breath smiling as the wind hit my face. "Lucy you should be resting" Mira nearly shouted rushing to my side as I shook my head.

"I can't rest in there" I spoke as Mira looked worried. "I'm fine ya know" I then spoke as I noticed tears building up in the corners of her eyes as she shocked me by pulled me into a hug. "We was all so scared about losing you so much, you are family to us, remember that" Mira spoke as I heard her crying as I hugged back unsure on how to reply or if I was even able to do so. I wanted to be myself but something was just off. I was confused by it. Mira pulled away wiping her tears. "Lucy you are our family we will protect you no matter what" Mira spoke smiling.

"I will get you lot killed, I-I don't want that" I soon broke as all of a sudden all my feelings came crashing down as once as Mira hugged me, holding me as if I was her own child. "We don't want you to get taken away, we fight for our family and we win" Mira whispered to me as I saw Laxus and Erza not far smiling toward us as I just hugged back bursting out into tears. It was then I figured out what happened to me. My fear of losing everyone because they wanted to protect me from Precht took over. 

He was using my one weakness that I had. 


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