~Chapter 23~

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"What is wrong? You always talked about being the one to finish off the Dreyar line so do it" Irene spoke as I thought I would of been able but my body was not listening to me. It was being torn. Loke was with Cana keep her alive as Jellal was doing the same for Erza. Mira was dead on the ground a pool of blood under her body and around Irene's shoes. "Seems another year or so, of training is needed Lucy" Irene spoke walking toward Laxus as I fell onto my knees. I was her failure but did I want that?

My mind was feeling torn. "Lucy, you are not some killer" Laxus spoke smiling toward me as Natsu and Gray came in shooting toward Irene who got hit in the shoulder and the leg as she moved out one of the doors to cover. "LUCY!" the two boys shouted seeing me as I was taking deep breaths. "I failed him" I whispered as Brandish was waking up. "DIMARIA!" Brandish soon shouted as the blonde rushed in the room holding her sword getting everyone's attention but my own. "Which one of you lot hurt MY Randy?" she soon asked harshly.

Dimaria would kill every last one of them. I was torn at the thought once again. Dimaria pushed Natsu and Gray away from me as Brandish rushed to my side. "I knew bringing you here was too soon, we are to return home" Brandish spoke putting my arm over her shoulders, forcing me to stand up. "Get off her" Erza spoke a gun pointed toward Brandish as she looked toward me. "You don't want to go disappointing him do you?" Brandish soon as my eyes widen as I pulled out my pistol fast shooting Erza in the chest.

Her vest saving her. "Seems your connection to the Dark Wizard is stronger than I first thought" Brandish chuckled as every Fairy was looking toward me in fear. Just pure fear. "I am sorry I was failing Brandish" I spoke as she let me stand on my own. Irene came back in the room holding her shotgun toward Laxus while Dimaria was keeping Natsu and Gray busy. "All of you will die here tonight" Irene spoke harshly as Erza shot Brandish and then Irene both in the arms. Jellal had his gun aimed toward Dimaria who snapped.

She ran at Erza only to get shot in the head. "DIMARIA!" Brandish and I shouted as I covered my ears my head hurting. Voices talking all at once. I fell on my knees again tears building up. Soon the ground was shaking. The Alvarez Empire troops. They was here. I was soon pushed to the ground to see Erza over me looking at me with tears in her eyes. "I LOVE YOU! YOU BAKA!" She soon shouted as my eyes widen. The tears going down my cheeks. "You're my little sister of course I love you no matter what" Erza then added in tears. 

Her tears falling onto my face as I was frozen in place. I was in shock. Erza was soon kicked off me by Irene who looked really annoyed. "You have another half a year in the lock up room you do" she spoke as I felt cold and scared. She grabbed my hair as the others all had guns aimed toward her. "Killing me means killing her" Irene spoke pulled me close to her. Erza looked worried as I grabbed my gun shooting through my own gut into Irene's. We both fell to the ground. "LUCY!" Erza and Laxus shouted as everything went black. 

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