~Chapter 2~

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After three days on a boat we was there. No-Mans-Land. We was meeting the a recon team. Erza and I were moving through with Plus keeping close to me. "Plue search" I whispered him rushing off sniffing around as Erza and I kept on full alert. It was known for the Empire to have their people in No-Mans-Land. It was known for them to lose most of their men here from this place being so unstable. We soon heard Plue growling backing up slowly. "Plue come" I whispered getting to cover Plue listening, rushing over.

Erza got to cover as we peaked over to see what looked like a small group. Two site diggers and one soldier. "I got the gunner" Erza whispered as I lined up my gun. "Plue kill" I whispered him rushing at toward the middle person barking and scaring them. Erza and I then took out our target as Plue was biting into the dig site person's neck. Once he was dead Plue stopped coming over to me wagging his tail. I petted his head. "Good boy" I whispered getting his tail to way even more. "We need to keep moving" Erza spoke going ahead.

"Follow" I whispered to Plue as I went after Erza, Plue following and staying close to me. Erza soon gave the hang signal to find cover as I listened whispering for Plue to be quiet. He normally was most of the time. A small group of soldiers speaking in Iran were heading down the path. I saw Erza ready her gun as I did the same. Soon as they was right next to us we opened fire. We had suppressors on our guns to cut the sound.  It was a simple and clean cut as we was on the move again. "Wonder if Laxus is gonna be home soon" I spoke as it was a long quiet walk.

"From what I heard from others he could be gone another couple of months" Erza replied making it go quiet again. The ground was soon shaking as we saw the sides of a cliff breaking down. "Titania, Heartfilla time to make a move on" we heard the recon team on the coms. "Understood" Erza replied as my sister had her own nickname. She was known in the army for her knife fights. Everyone ended up calling her Titania. I always wanted to hear the full story but no one would tell me out of the fear of upsetting my sister.

"Alright, there it is" Erza whispered as was leaning on a wall seeing the Empire. I got the camera out zooming in recording. "Top left" I whispered getting Erza to move behind me and look. A male with black, straight hair, which was initially styled in an undercut-like fashion, with most of it being kept quite short aside from a prominent wisp on the right part of his face. He was wearing our gear but a certain symbol on his gear caught both our eyes. "A Fairy Tail member? A caught one?" Erza asked in shock.

We moved in closer staying in the tall grass as there was a man in front of the Fairy Tail member who was tied and looked beaten up. "Precht.." the member spoke in shock as we got a better look toward the man in front. He looked pretty old with slicked back, silvery white hair, revealing his forehead. He also has a mustache, and a similarly long yet mildly thin and curly beard, reaching down to his lower chest. "Thought I was dead Warren? Now, who's left of our old group?" this Precht asked as this Fairy Tail member, this Warren spat blood in Precht's face.

"I got ways of making you talk don't worry, men take em" Precht ordered as some soldiers grabbed this Warren dragging him to a car. I was recording the whole thing as I looked around recording some of the stuff around us. They was at some type of wreckage. Erza was keeping guard as seemed the Empire was heading to the old Stadium. "Time to move" Erza whispered as I put the camera away as I followed her out into the waste land. The ground was unstable it was easy to feel that. Plue was sniffing around looking toward the ground in fear every so often.

"We be safe soon as we reach the other side of this old car park boy" I whispered petting him as we moved slow. After some minuets we was on some more safer ground to see three of our own waiting for us. All of them having the Fairy Tail symbol on them. Two were male and one was female. The female had azure blue hair, midnight blue eyes, snow skin. Her hair was down in waves, it going just past her shoulders. One of the males had spiky raven coloured hair and dark blue eyes as the two were close together behind the other male.

He had strange bright salmon pink hair and onyx coloured eyes. "Seems they have one of yours" Erza spoke turning her head to me as I pulled out the camera showing the pink head the recording. "Crap that Warren" he spoke turning his head to the other that looked worried. We heard Fairy Tail thought of each other as family, they would go through hell and back for one of their own. I put the camera back as Plue was growling toward a wall. "Plue search" I spoke him rushing off toward the wall as all of us were on alert. 

"I'm Natsu, the idiot is Gray and the chick is Juvia" Pink head informed us quietly as we moved toward the wall slowly. "Erza, this is my sister Lucy" Erza replied as I got next to Plue who was outside a door growling. "Not wild life this time" I looked toward Erza who nodded as Juvia and Gray went inside for us to hear the quiet shooting. We all went inside to see Empire soldiers on the ground dead. "These bastards are everywhere" Gray mumbled as Juvia was checking the windows. 

"Alright we don't have time we know the location and if they got Warren he won't have long we got a short window to get him out alive" Natsu spoke getting everyone's attention as Plue was sitting next to me. I petted his head knowing he wanted some attention as he was staring toward my hand for a small while. "You two are coming along you listen to what we say and when we say it understood?" Natsu turned his head to us as Erza nodded. We both wanted to be members of Fairy Tail.

We heard the stories about them from Makarov before they was even found out. Laxus never looked like he believed in them. "Alright let's move" Natsu spoke walking ahead leaving the building as it looked like once it was a store. Gray and Juvia followed him as Erza looked toward me with her normal 'stay safe' look before following herself. I sighed as I followed her Plue staying close to me. As always she gave me the normal look. She still thought of me as a child. I was able to look after myself and I always had Plue with me.

I had done solo missions before to. She still gives me the look she gave me when I was a child. I knew she is my sister and all but even Makarov still treats as a child at times. I knew I was the youngest of our family and all......I just want someone to notice I can handle myself. "What is the plan?" Erza asked quietly as we walked all the way to the old China Olympic Stadium. There was guys everywhere. We found a ladder that was rusty and sketchy but somehow it didn't break getting us all up and I had to carry Plue up there.

I was in shock on how. We was in a top area of the stadium looking down seeing trucks, attack helicopters and much more. "We are fighting this alone?" Erza asked in shock as Gray smirked. "Please handled more" Gray spoke getting a remote grenade launcher from his bag. He was putting some grenades onto the trucks throwing me a remote after a ton had passed. "Your up front with me, we go in loud and we rush it" Gray spoke as I smirked slightly nodding. "Plue stay close" I spoke petting my best friend.

He licked my face getting me to smile and laugh slightly. "Rare to see a K9 unit now, good to see some dogs made it" Natsu spoke looking out the hole in the wall counting what he could. "Set up some remote snipers Juvia" Gray spoke as Juvia nodded opening up her bag setting some up. They had the rich ass equipment but then again they was Japan's best team they would give them the stuff they know they would get results with. "Alright let's steal a truck" Natsu spoke putting his strap on his gun on his shoulder and grabbed his pistol.

Erza looked toward me some worry in her eyes as I knew she didn't want to lose me. I just wished she didn't treat me like a teen or child anymore. "Plue come" I spoke quietly him breathing heavy sweating through his tongue as Natsu went first with Juvia. We all followed as there was one truck black truck coming through the clear road the Empire had made. Natsu made Juvia rush into the road getting the truck to stop as Natsu moved in shooting the drivers. "Should have ammo only in back, lets move" Natsu then spoke.

Juvia, Erza and Natsu moved to the back as Gray got to the drivers side pulling out the bodies. I got to the passenger side pulled out the body letting Plue jump in to sit between me and Gray, I got in afterwards. "How long you had Plue on your team?" Gray asked looking toward me as I petted Plue. "Nine years now" I answered as Gray nodded driving the truck through to a check point area. They was asking for Gray's ID as he then slammed down the pedal speeding through getting people to shoot our way.

He told me to blow it as I used the remote pushing the button getting the any trucks he tagged with grenades to explode all around the place as we was able to crash through some doors and get out fast getting to cover as the echo of gun fire started.

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