Chapter 10- Mrs Thompson

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Ayana's POV

The time was 10:07, and I was sitting in Mrs Thompson's History class. She was an older white woman, somewhere in her late 60's. I didn't like her because she was passive-aggressive, arrogant, treated her class like trash, and was RACIST.

My first day in her class, she asked who wanted to read out of a book. Me and Kylie raised our hands. Kylie's a girl who's known around the school for not being very bright. Mrs Thompson looked at me and cackled.

"You can't even read, put your hand down Shanaenae." she said to me. I got offended and angry immediately.

"It's AYANA." I corrected her.

"Whatever. Come on up here Kylie."

Kylie went up there and Mrs Thompson handed her the large book. Kylie's eyes widened as she looked at was she was to read. "Uhhhh, in 19..uh twenty.......two... oh my god hold on.. "she struggled. I just sat there looking dead at Mrs Thompson. She knew good and well I could read that better, but we all knew that she had a liking to Kylie because she was one of the few Caucasian students in the school.

Me, Skai and Yara are in the class together. They sit next to eachother towards the back and I sit in second row. It could be worse, I could be in the front row. Then I would really be in the line of fire, at least more than I am now.

I always pay attention in her class however, because I need the credits from passing this class.

"AYASHIA!" she yelled at me. I jumped in my chair, startled at how loud she yelled.

"Yes?" I said politely.

"Are you paying attention!?"

As a matter a fact I was paying attention, regardless of what she assumed.

"Yes ma'am I am." I said.

That's the last time I'm calling her ma'am.

"Oh really??" she asked all arrogantly. "Then what am I talking about?!

"You're talking about the simalarites between the Vietnam war and the war on Iraq. Here, you can look at my notes." I confidently said, holding my notebook out to her.

She snached it from me with a scowl on her face and looked at it.

I found it funny how she was harrasing me, but Kylie was on her phone right next to me and Austin was sleep behind me. But that's just how her racist petty ass was. Sadly.

She grunted and threw the notebook back on my desk instead of setting it down.

"Anyway! Cloud!!" she called referring to Skai. I feel like she just purposely gets names wrong now. Just to insult people, non-white people.

I turned around to see her looking around probably thinking someone named Cloud would stand up.

"COME UP HERE CLOUD!!" she yelled, pointing at Skai this time.

Skai got up. She has an offended look on her face.

"My name is Skai, Mrs Thompson." she corrected her as she walked up to the front of the class.

Mrs Thompson rolled her eyes. "Whatever... Write the first sentence of this article on the board."

She tossed a paper carelessly to Skai. She caught it and began to write on the board.

"Yara... wake up sis." I heard Alicia whisper in the back.

I turned around to see Yara with her head rested on her crossed arms, sleep.

Hopefully Mrs Thompson dosen't see he-

"Oh what do we have here?!" asked Mrs Thompson power walking to Yara's desk with a ruler.

At this point, Skai had stopped writing and just watching what was going on with a big angry frown on her face.

Mrs Thompson hit Yara hard with her wooden ruler, instantly waking her up.

"WAKE UP!!!" Mrs Thompson yelled.

"Ough!" exclaimed Yara, rubbing the back of her head.

"You didn't have to hit her!!" angrily yelled Skai.

She really didn't have to hit her. Austin, who was now snoring didn't get hit and yelled at.

"She was SLEEPING! There is no sleeping in my class! So shut your ignorant mouth!!"

Skai raised her eyebrows in shoke and crossed her arms.

I was starting to really get angry and began thinking of ways to get her fired.

"You people are always sleeping!" said Mrs Thompson.

You people?

"That's all you do! Such lazy race. All of you are a damn digrace to god." she ranted.

Lazy race?? Digrace to god?? Wtf?

All the black people in the class mouths dropped. Alicia jumped up from her seat. She's the activist of the school, so I knew she was about to verbally body this racist whale.


Mrs Thompson didn't speak right then. Instead she walked back to her desk.

"I'm reporting you to the principle." was all she could say.

"Report me! And I'll gradly report your disrespectful racist ass!!" threatened Alicia.

"How dare you talk to children like that! You really should be ashamed of yourself!" yelled Skai. She was holding her phone in her hand.

"Thats right, you should be!" I also yelled at her.

Mrs Thompson stormed out.

We laughed and clapped. "We don't need to put up with this bullshit anymore!" said Yara.

"We really don't need to." agreed some guy.

"She should be fired!" yelled another girl.

That's when Mrs Thompson came storming back in with the principal...

Stay tuned for chapter 11! Keep voting and commenting! <3 <3

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