200 Reader Special!!!

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I've decided not to do not just one but TWO tags. So, time to learn some more facts about me!

1. aLl tIMe lOW

2. IISuperwomanII!

3. No, unfortunately. But I'm getting her book! If that counts...

4. Pepsi for the win!

5. As I said in my last tag, my hair is jet black, BUT it turns dark brown in the sunlight hits it directly.

6. Donald Trump

7. I would give up the internet, because family is everything to me!

8. Octopi!

9. Llamas!

10. Yep! I have Minecraft, Geometry Dash, and Crossy Road.

11. Ryden was real

12. I'm kind of a Nintendo fangirl. (I don't own the Switch tho 😭😭😭) So, Legend of Zelda, the ENTIRE Mario franchise, and POKEMON are a few favorites.

13. I absolutely love them all!

Now,  I tag







Now, for the Ice Cream Book Tag! I've been obsessed with book tubing lately... and it's summer, so ice cream seems appropriate. 

Peanut Butter: A book series you want to read, but probably won't and why. 

It would be Game of Thrones. I've wanted to read this series, but it's SO FREAKING LONG, and people say it's cool, but I really don't understand why. 

Chocolate: A book/series that you could read over and over...

Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, Kane Chronicles, Trials of Apollo, Magnus Chase, pretty much anything by Rick Riordan!

Pistachio: A book with a green cover.

Inheritance is the only book I can think of. I read part of it, didn't understand what was going on, and gave up on it when I was in third grade. 

Strawberry: A book with the cutest romance.

Percy Jackson, and Heroes of Olympus. Percabeth Forever!!!!! 

Lemon: Book with a sour ending.

Honestly, it was Blood of Olympus. They made Leo disappear! He's my favorite of the Seven! And, I had to wait a full year to find out if he made it back to Camp Half-Blood or not!

Mint: A children's book you love so much.

Is the Babymouse series a kid's series?

Vanilla: A classic story you love.

It's Beauty and the Beast! (The original story, not the Disney one)

Whipped Cream: (This isn't even a flavor!) A very long book you read fast.

The House of Hades was probably the longest book I have ever read. It's FREAKING 597 pages long!

Well, I hope you enjoyed these two tags! The people who I tag for this one are below the first tag.


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