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"What did you just say?" the unfamiliar girl asks me, eyes wide.

"Who are you?" I repeat.

A tear slips down her face and she turns to look at the nurses. "What's wrong with him?" she demands, wiping away the tear.

"He's suffering from traumatic amnesia," the nurse tells her. "Mr Tesfaye, do you remember what happened before you got to the hospital?"

I nod my head, remembering bits and pieces of what happened - everything else I blank. "Yeah," I say. "I was driving and then a car came and hit me."

"Oh my God," the girl whispers. My eyes flicker to her and watch as she turns around and buries her face in her hands.

She really must be someone important in my life. If only I could remember.

She turns around, sniffing. "How long will it last?" the girl asks in a quiet voice.

"He did have a severe head injury," the nurse answers. "So it may take a couple of weeks - or even months - to recover."

"Months?" she echoes, looking at me. "Why can he remember the accident, but not me?"

I feel myself starting to become confused again. "Where am I?" I ask, looking around. I feel my heart rate starting to pick up as I begin to panic.

"Mr Tesfaye, you're in the hospital," the nurse tells me. "You were in a car accident."

I start shaking my head violently and quickly pull away when the unfamiliar girl holds onto my hand. "Abel, it's me! Aria! Your finacé!" she says in a worried tone.

I shake my head. "I don't have a fiancé!" I snap. I start to push the sheets away from me and get off the bed, my head pounding.

"Mr Tesfaye, you have to stay here!" the nurse calls out. "Your injuries haven't healed yet!"

Ignoring her, I walk towards the door, but then a rush of other nurses and doctors swarm in, trying to stop me from leaving.

Why the hell am I bring held prisoner here?

"Get the fuck off me!" I shout, shoving some of them away from me.

One of the nurses hit a wall after I push her away a little too roughly.

I try to push the others away, but they hold on too tight, even if I'm kicking and punching at them.

Suddenly, I feel something being stabbed into my back and my body goes weak, almost slumping to the floor.

My eyes begin to flutter close and the last thing I see is the unfamiliar girl looking at me with tears running down her cheeks.

When I wake up again, the sun is hitting my face, warming it up slightly.

I blink a couple of times before sitting up and taking in the surroundings around me.

I'm still at the hospital.

Pushing the covers away from me, I start to get up and walk out the room.

I start walking down the corridor and to my surprise, no one comes and stops me from walking around.

The memory of my car crashing with another comes to mind. That's the only thing I can remember.

I can't remember someone else being with me in the car and I can't remember what I was doing before the accident.

"Abel?" a voice says from behind me.

Oh, right, that's me, I think to myself.

Turning around, I take in the appearance of the woman in front of me, recognising her face. "Mum?" I ask.

She nods and smiles sadly, holding out her arms. I wrap my arms around her and bury my head into her shoulder.

I feel my mum's tears soak my hospital nightgown. "I'm so happy you're okay," she says, touching the back of my head.

I nod. I'm not really okay though, am I? Because I can't seem to remember a whole load of things and I'm feeling really confused, since the only things I can seem to remember right now is my mum and my car crashing with another.

"Have you seen Aria today?" my mum asks, pulling away from me.

"Aria?" I ask, frowning. "Who's that?"

A pained look paints across her face and she looks at me with sad eyes. "Your fiancé, Abel," she tells me sadly.

I shake my head. "I don't have a fiancé," I tell her.

My mum just chews her lip. I can see tears threatening to spill out of her eyes and I just look at her in confusion. "Come on," she says quietly, placing her hand on my back. "Let's get you back to your room."

tears in the rain | the weekndHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin