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When I wake up again, it's still raining and Abel's fast asleep, his arm wrapped around me still.

I turn around and stare at his face, smiling as I run my hand over his smooth skin.

Abel stirs a little and his arm grips onto me tighter, almost stopping me from breathing.

"Abel," I whisper, pushing him with my free hand. "Abel!"

His eyes open and he blinks at me. "Aria?" he asks in a sleepy voice. "Why are you in here?" He finally releases his grip on me, allowing me to be able to breathe properly.

"You let me sleep with you because I was scared of the thunder," I remind him and he nods slowly, remembering. I shift around. "We should get up. You have an appointment today, remember?"

Abel sighs and rubs at his temples. "Okay," he says, turning to look at me now. "How did you sleep?"

"Good," I answer. "Thanks for letting me stay here." I start to get out of the bed, but Abel grabs my hand, causing me to turn around.

He just stares at me for what feels like forever and I stare back, waiting for him to say something.

Abel moves his hand away from mine, causing my skin to become cold again. "Who are you?" he asks, eyes going wild. "Where am I?" He looks around the room in a panicked motion and I suck in my breath.

"Abel, it's me," I say in a soothing tone. "Aria. I was in the car accident with you. I stayed at the hospital with you and you said you wanted to -"

"Come home with you," Abel finishes off, squeezing his eyes shut and breathing heavily. "I'm sorry." He rakes a hand through his fluffy hair, cursing under his breath.

"It's okay," I whisper, feeling my throat burn. "You should shower. I'm going to go out for a walk."

Abel looks out the window, frowning. "In the rain?" he questions.

I nod and smile. "I like the rain," I tell him and he nods and shifts around. "Will you be okay?"

Abel nods, studying my face silently. "Do you want me to come with you?" he asks.

"I'll be fine on my own," I assure him before getting up and walking out the room.

I walk downstairs and grab my shoes, pulling them on before leaving the house.

My clothes immediately dampen against my skin as the heavy rain soaks them within the few seconds of walking out the house.

My hair turns into strings of spaghetti and a couple of strands are pasted against my face and cheeks.

Out of nowhere, I stop in the middle of the road and burst into tears.

The hot drops fall down my face along with the cold ones from the rain.

I don't know how much longer I can go on with Abel. I just want him back - my Abel.

I mean, I can't even kiss my fiancée right now because I don't want to freak him out or do something that he'll probably end up forgetting the next day.

tears in the rain | the weekndWhere stories live. Discover now