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"Hi," I say as I walk into Aria's room.

She's huddled up on the window seat, looking out towards the dark streets as she watches the rain slide down the window.

Aria turns to look at me and smiles. "Hi," she replies in a similar tone. "You okay?"

I walk over to her and sit beside her. I nod. "Yeah," I answer. I stay quiet for a minute, chewing my lip. "Do you want to talk about what happened in the morning?"

Aria looks down at her hands which are resting on top of each other on her lap and she sighs. "We kissed," she says simply.

"And you stopped it," I say. "Don't you . . . don't you like me?"

Aria looks up at me, eyes wide and then chuckles, causing me to frown. "Don't I like you?" she echoes, laughing softly. "Of course I do, Abel! I love you. I just stopped the kiss because, well, you're not you right now. You don't remember me, like properly remember me."

I lean forward and grab her hand. "I'm sorry, I'm trying to get better," I whisper.

Aria cradles my cheek and smiles sadly. "I know," she says. "I know you are, but I'm sorry, I can't do anything with you, no matter how much I want to."

I nod, feeling slightly disappointed. But I understand at the same time - I don't remember her completely and for some reason, I can't even get myself to remember her, only little memories.

I look down at our entwined hands and frown. "I thought you had an engagement ring on?" I ask, looking up into her eyes.

Aria nods. "Yeah," she sniffs. "I did."

"Did I give it to you?" I want to know and she nods again. "How . . . how did I propose to you?"

Aria smiles and shifts around. "Well, first we went out to dinner," she starts to explain. "And then during the car ride home, I asked you to come out in the rain with me. You did and then you proposed." She blushes now and sighs. "It was perfect."

I smile at this new piece of information and stroke her hand with the back of my thumb. "It does sound perfect," I say and she nods and smiles. "So why did you take the ring off?"

Aria sighs, raking a hand through her hair. "Because it doesn't feel right to have it on what with everything that's going on with you," she tells me, her voice breaking at the end. She fishes the ring out of her pocket and holds it out to me. "Maybe when you get your memories back, you can give it back to me?"

I hold out my hand and watch as she drops the ring in my palm. I look up at her, nodding. "I hope that's soon," I say.

"Me too," Aria whispers.

I put the ring in my sweatpants pocket and look up at her. "I want to get to know you," I announce and she looks up at me, blinking. "You are my fiancée - kind of. I want to know everything about you, do things we used to do, everything."

Aria chuckles. "So you basically want me to remake all our memories?" she asks, leaning back against the window and tilting her head.

I nod. "Yeah," I answer. "I'm hoping it'll trigger some type of memory when we do things we used to."

Aria nods slowly, not saying a word. "When we kissed this morning, did you remember anything?" she wants to know.

"Kind of," I tell her. "It felt like it happened before."

Aria smiles. "Because it did," she tells me. "The morning after we had sex for the first time, we kind of . . ." She trails off, blushing.

I chuckle. "I get it," I say and she nods and looks down at her hands. I move closer to her. "Can I kiss you again?" I ask, looking from her eyes to her lips.

For the whole day, all I've been thinking about is how much I want to kiss Aria again - she's a really good kisser and she has the softest lips.

"Abel," Aria starts to say now, shaking her head. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not?" I frown. "Are you scared that you won't be able to stop?" I raise my eyebrows and tilt my head.

"That's exactly what I'm afraid of," Aria tells me, narrowing her eyes. She looks away from me, her face going sad. "And of you forgetting that it happened."

I shake my head. "I doubt I'll forget," I tell her, forcing her to look at me. "You heard the doctor, my memory is getting better. And did I forget about this morning? Nope."

Aria smiles now and rolls her eyes playfully. Leaning forward, she pecks my lips. "Is that enough for you?" she asks, raising her eyebrows.

Chuckling and shaking my head, I grab her face and kiss her full on the lips.

Aria kisses me back instantly but then starts to pull away after a couple of minutes.

I groan and pull her towards me again, desperate to have my lips on hers again, but she manages to run away.

I get up and quickly grab her, causing a squeal to leave her mouth.

I throw her gently down on the bed before climbing on top of her and pressing my lips against hers again.

Aria smiles against my lips as she starts to kiss me back and she wraps her legs around me.

My hands run up her thighs and then trail under her top, feeling the soft, warm skin of her stomach.

When I squeeze at her breasts, Aria moans into my mouth. She sighs and I slip my tongue in, deepening the kiss.

I pull away from the kiss and start kissing her all over her neck before trailing my tongue around and biting and sucking at particular spots.

After a couple of minutes of kissing, I pull away from Aria, breathing heavily. "That's good enough for me," I say against her lips before pecking them quickly.

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