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Jin walked through the hallways, ignoring everyone, and being ignored by everyone, just how he liked.

He passed a few friendly faces. Jung Hoseok, one of the male dancers in the squad; Kim Taehyung, one of the sweetest, nicest, most kind boys in the whole school; and Min Yoongi, a basketball player who was a great caring person although he seemed cold and disinterested most times.

But the friendliest face of them all, awaited Jin in his first hour classroom. 


Dyed gray hair and a soft smile greeted Jin when he sat down beside his best friend: Kim Namjoon.

Namjoon was younger, but extremly intellegent, so he was in the 12th grade with Jin.

Jin fought to hold back an excited smile as Namjoon spoke.

"Yah~ Jin hi." He said happily.


"How was your weekend?"

"It was good, and yours?"

He listened intently as Namjoon spoke on about what he had done and- although it was nothing that sounded overly exciting or important, Jin listened as if it was the most incredible story he had ever heard.

Class started shortly, so they couldn't talk anymore, but they had agreed to meet at the river after school. There they could speak without interruption.


Jin arrived at the lake first, knowing that Namjoon had to run an errand for his omma and that he would be a bit later.

He sat down, leaned against a tree to wait for Namjoon.

Finally he came.

He looked tired as he sat down beside Jin, but he still wore a smile.

"How was the errand?" Jin asked.

Namjoon shrugged. "Nothing special, just picking something up for a stupid dinner party she's having with some of her coworkers." He said, rolling his eyes.

Jin nodded. He hung on every word the other boy said.

Nothing special happened, although Jin didn't expect that it would.

They spoke for hours about everything, but nothing at all, until it was dark. they began the trek home, parting ways at the school, Namjoon going left, and Jin going right, with only a 'later' as a farewell.

Jin hoped someday, parting would be something more than halfhearted.

He got home late and went straight to his room to get ready for bed. He was anxious to see Namjoon again tomorrow.

(sorry it's super crappy. it'll get better I promise {and my writing won't be so weird and formal through the whole thing. i promise

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