~Eighteen (Pt. 1)~

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Jin laughed and smacked Namjoon's shoulder lightly as he unlocked the door. It had been a good day at school and they were both pretty happy.

Namjoon was proud of himself for having made Jin laugh, which was nearly an impossible task these days. He pushed the door open and they walked inside, Jin's soft thin fingers encased by Namjoon's.

They began to make dinner- meaning Jin cooked and Namjoon did everything he could to steal Jin's attention away from the food.

He intercepted Jin on his way to the sink, taking him in his arms and pecking small, gentle kisses all over his neck until be found Jim's sweet spot.

He took it between his teeth and finally received the reaction he was looking for.

A deep, gasping moan bubbled up from Jin's throat. Namjoon found another good spot and sucked it gently.

"N-namjoon-" Jin gasped. "I have to finish cooking, we're having company."

"Company?" Namjoon's mood dropped slightly as he released Jin, who quickly moved to his work again.

"Yeah, Hoseok is coming over and bringing his new boyfriend Taehyung." The older said as he stirred noodles into the now boiling water.

"Oooh ok cool."

They were silent then, Namjoon went to change from his school uniform and then took over cooking while Jin did the same.

"Ding dong we're here bitches!" Hoseok yelled from outside.

Namjoon shook his head and opened the  the door for them. Hoseok stood beside a barely shorter boy, their hands laced together.

The smile on Hoseok's face was bigger than usual as he introduced Jin and Namjoon to Taehyung while they waited for dinner to be done.

In no yime, the younger of the two, Taehyung, was already fitting in. He was funny, crazy, and overall a really cool guy.


For the first time in a while, the night went off without a hitch. They laughed, ate, drank, and made stupid jokes that sent everyone into fits of uncontrollable laughter.

They learned more about Taehyung and  how he and Hoseok met.

At the end of the night, the two couples cleaned the kitchen and dining room before one pair left, and the other went to bed.

And tonight. When Jin fell asleep in Namjoon's arms, he was truly happy. No fear, anger, sorrow, just, happy.

But Namjoon wasn't so lucky.

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