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"Where have you been?" Jin asked Namjoon when he saw him in first hour.

Namjoon hadn't been at school all week.

"Mianhae Jinny. I was sick."

"Are you alright now?"


Jin nodded. "That's good."

Namjoon silently agreed and sniffed slightly.

"Are you sure?"

Namjoon laughed and nodded. "Yeah. I'm ok now."

"Now is good." Jin said, wondering what exactly he meant.

"Yes. Now is good."

"Well since you're better, do you wanna go to the river again after school?"

Namjoon smiled widely and nodded before pausing and looking around the still relatively empty room. He jumped up and grabbed Jin's wrist, pulling him out of the classroom.

"Namjoon what are you-"

Jin was cut off when Namjoon jerked to a stop, pulling him around a corner and covering his mouth. Jin's heart raced. He was pulled into Namjoon's chest and it made his head cloud. He couldn't think straight.

Someone passed by where they had been before Namjoon began to drag Jin along again. By this time, their hands were locked together as they ran.

Namjoon only looked back when they got outside into the cool, damp air. He smiled, wide and wild, at Jin. Are you doing this to me on purpose? Do you even know what you're doing to me?

They arived at the river and Namjoon fell onto the cool grass, sprawling out like a starfish and staring up at the sky. Jin sat down beside him, enjoying the equally as beautiful view of the river.

Jin heard a yawn and Namjoon's hand rested low on his back. He looked down to see the brown eyes that were already looking up at him.

"Are you tired?" Jin asked quietly.

Namjoon just barely nodded, not saying a word.

As Jin watched him, he realized that they had never had a 'normal' per say, friendship. They never fought or argued or wrestled in a way that would hurt the other. Even when they were younger boys, 9, 10, 11, boys most violent ages.

They were always more gentle and caring with each other.

Namjoon gently rubbed Jin's back as he noticed Jin was still staring.

"Omo is something wrong Jin-ah?" He asked softly.

Jin shook his head with a smile.

What's wrong?

And in that moment,

"Absolutely nothing."

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