~Eighteen (Pt. 2)~

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"Namjoon!" Jin cried.

"Shut up." Came a hissed response from a voice that was nothing like Namjoon's.

Jin couldn't fight against him. His arms were ridiculously strong as they slammed Jin to the floor.

"Call me Oppa." The man snickered.

Jin shook his head. "No!" Jin felt sharp pain cut through his neck, making him yelp and squirm, which only made it all worse.

"Say it!" The man now roared.


The pain spread up into his head and down through his shoulders.

His arms fell limp and he could no longer move them. His body completely relaxed against his will.

Was he dying?

He tried to fight, to get his limbs to move, but there was no strength left. Jin looked up at the other, shorter, silent. His face also disguised with a mask just like the man on top of him.

The shorter stood silent and watched everything.
He watched the man take advantage of Jin.
He watched Jin be beaten,
He watched Jin cry,
He watched everything.
But he didn't do one thing to help either party.

Finally. They left.

Jin was left alone on the floor as he finally gained sense of his limbs again. His chest heaved with sobs as he pushed himself up from the floor and foundbhis phone.

"Anneyong?" Namjoon answered.

"N-Namjoonnn-" Jin sobbed softly.

"Baby I'm in the neighborhood, just hold on."

A minute later, Namjoon busted through the door and held Jin tightly as the older shook with sobs.

He told Namjoon all of it. Everything that happened.

"We can take this to court Jin, they'll be arrested for sexual assault and battery."


The case was dead on arrival. They had no evidence except all of Jin's bruises and the letter, no suspects, nothing.

But they said that they would continue investigating.

And the case took an unexpected turn.

He didn't even get a chance to fight. He had lost and now this man could do whatever he wanted.

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