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Jung Hoseok. The boy everyone knew as a bubbly, hyper, extroverted, dancer, completely shocked  Jin and Namjoon when he came in.

He was dressed in all black. His lips; normally curled into a bright smile, now wore a heavy frown.

"Annyeong Hoseok." Jin said, trying to keep a light mood, but it seemed to decline when Hoseok arived.

"Hello." He turned quickly to Namjoon though when he entered the room.

"Yah. Can I get you something to drink or anything?" Namjoon asked politely.

Hoseok shook his head. "No thanks, I really just need help studying. It's really really important."

Jin left to the bedroom wile Hoseok and Namjoon stayed in the kitchen to study.

It was almost midnight before Namjoon slunk into the room.

"Seokjin, get ready, we're going for dinner."


The restaurant was nearly empty. it was a 24 hour place, but no one was there except for the employees.

Jin and Namjoon were waiting for dinner when they heard shouting from the back.

"Appa, eomma you can't do this to me, it's all I have!!!"

Namjoon sat up straight as a pole and snapped his head towards the voice.

"Was that-" Jin started, but he was cut off.

"Hoseok." Namjoon snapped.

"Get your grades up and you can re-enroll." A stern mans voice said.

"Appa I'm trying! I studied all day with Namjoon, please give me second chance!?"

"Jung Hoseok! This was your second chance! You have to bring your grades up! No more discussion!" His mother yelled.

"Eomma!" Hoseok sounded like he was crying now. "Please! You know how much dancing means to me!" He was definitely crying.

"They're making him quit dancing...?" Jin whispered.

Namjoon nodded. "Jin, dancing is, his life. I asked him about it earlier and he smiled so big. He loved talking about it." 

There was a loud crash and Hoseok came stumbling out of the kitchen door. 

"You worthless, ungrateful child!!!"

His face was red, his hand was bleeding, and tears were streaming down Hoseok's face as he ran from the resturaunt.

"Go." Jin urged and Namjoon ran after Hoseok.

Jin sat silently and ate when food was brought out, getting a to-go container for Namjoon's food before taking it home.


Hours later, Namjoon came in with Hoseok behind him.

"You can sleep here tonight, I'll help you study more in the morning." Namjoon said as he found blankets and pillows for the couch.

Hoseok thanked him profusely.

"Thank you so much Namjoon, there's a performance coming up and-"

"-And you're gonna be a part of it. Now get some sleep." Namjoon said, cutting him off from rambling.

Hoseok thanked him again before snuggling up on the couch.

Jin and Namjoon went to bed as well, cuddled close to each other. Jin didn't ask what went on, and Namjoon didn't tell him.

They simply exchanged kisses and 'I love you's, and Jin held Namjoon a little tighter that night.

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