Chapter 1

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It was as if the bell at the end of the school day didn't only signify the end of the school day, but also the start of the after-school chaos. Where something ended, something always began.

Thank the Heavens it was Friday.

Though, the hallways of Midtown School of Science and Technology were usually the worst on Fridays. All the teens that occupied the school hurried to get from the dull interior of the classrooms to the open air of New York City. Polluted air of New York City, in my opinion.

I felt crowded, being in close quarters with so many people, but I pushed through--literally--and found my locker. I shoved my math and biology text books into it and replaced them with the various music sheets that filled my blue locker. The auditions for Midtown Madrigals were in a few weeks and I was nowhere ready.

"Kara!" I heard my name being yelled among the shuffle of backpacks and textbooks. I couldn't see said it, but it honestly could have been Megan, Jess, or any of my music-nerd buddies. It was no secret that I waited at my locker for the herd of students to leave before I exited the building.

Looking around, I saw Jess's auburn hair flash before my eyes. Letting out a squeak, I jumped, grabbing my heart.

"Geez, Jess, give me a heart attack will you," I tried saying seriously, but a smile appeared on my face. Seeing Jess would do that to you, she probably had enough energy to power all of Queens, and she had a youthfulness to her that made people smile. She was like a puppy.
She ignored my comment and slammed my locker shut for me. "Parents are gone tonight. You, me, Megan. Sleepover at my house." Jess flashed her perfect smile--from years of braces--and I saw the mischievous glint in her eye.

"Why?" I asked, suspicious. Although she was one of my best friends, she had the habit of taking Megan and I different places then what she had said before. 

"Because... My parents are gone and I want you and Megan to come over," she said, her arms crossed and brows furrowed over chocolate eyes. "Do you not trust me?"

Jess may have acted offended, but she wasn't. Her mind went to quickly from one thing to another to be offended. One reason why I loved her.

"Well, last time you suggested we do something, we ended up in a club," I clarified, giving her a pointed look. Jess wasn't allowed to make plans for the three of us anymore without Megan and I knowing the details.
Jess groaned. Even though she sounded irritated, her voice was still light and airy. "Fine, I got us invited to Liz Allan's party tonight." Jess smiled and I rolled my eyes. Of course she wanted Megan and I to go a party with her tonight.

As I slid my backpack on, I saw that the hallways were cleared and headed towards the front doors, Jess on my heels.

"Come on, Kara, it's a senior's party! I got us invited to a senior's party! What else were you going to do tonight anyways?"

Honestly, I wasn't surprised that Jess was invited to a senior party. Even as a sophomore, Jess was liked among the school. Megan and I weren't the only ones who enjoyed her outgoing personality. It also helped that she was a math wiz.

Responding her question, I shrugged, "I was thinking about maybe going to Central Park and reading."

I could hear Jess's eyes roll. "How many times have you done that this week? Three? I think you can miss one day of it."

I had actually gone to Central Park every day with week so far, but I didn't tell Jess that. I just felt more relaxed among the trees and open spaces of Central Park.

"Anyways, I think it is time you stopped mourning over your open plains and fields of Idaho. It's been four year, Kar."

I just shrugged. Maybe she was right, but I didn't care. My family had moved to New York City from Idaho about four years ago and I still hadn't gotten used to the cross-country move. It was hard to move from a place with so much space to a place overpopulating with people.

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