Chapter 4

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Eli sits on my bed as he watches me scrutinize myself in the mirror. He's talking about some new video game he bought. I normally pay attention to him, but at the moment I just can't seem to. I'm still thinking about that girl from the pharmacy. I don't care how lame it sounds, it's the truth. I'm staring at my shoes when a pillow hits me right on the side of my head.

I turn and glare at Eli, "What was that for?"

"For not listening to me," Eli shrugs.

I shake my head, "Have you always been this abusive?"

Eli winks, "Only to you, baby."

Despite being annoyed at him, I laugh. I can't believe he's only thirteen, the kid grew up fast. I turn myself in his direction and spread my arms out wide. "Do I look okay?" All I had on was a gray V-neck t-shirt and dark blue jeans with gray Vans, but I had to make sure.

Eli stares at me. "You aren't seriously asking me that, man." When I don't say anything he sighs, "Yeah, dude, you look fine. Since when do you care anyway?"

I shrug, "Since I get bored at home and need to have fun every once in awhile."

Eli snorts, "Is that what the kids are calling it these days?"

I lean down and pick up the pillow he threw at me and chuck it at him. It hits his face and he sticks his tongue at me playfully. I grab my phone and wallet before spraying on some cologne and heading for the door.

"Make sure you close the door on your way out, bud," I tell him.

"Should I wait up for you or will you be getting here late?" He asks me.

I look at the clock by my bed and see it's already eight. I know I'll be out a while at the party. I shake my head, "Nah, man. I mean, you can, but I'll probably be getting in kind of late."

Eli shrugs, "I'll probably just watch some TV here if it's okay? Mom's been on my case a lot lately so I don't exactly want to be home."

I nod. I get that. Eli's mom is super strict with him, with good reason, but hell, she's even strict with me and she's not even my parent. I think of Eli as my little brother. We were raised together since our parents are insanely close. Sure, I was six years older than him, but growing up with someone a lot older than him meant he was more mature than most thirteen year olds. Thank God for that. I was an annoying little punk at thirteen.

Eli gets up as I make my way to the door. "You got your ID on you?" He meant my fake ID since I wasn't exactly old enough to drink yet.

I nod, "Yup. I'll see you later, kid."

He scowls at me, "I'm not a kid."

I smile, "You aren't an adult so, yes, you are a kid."

Eli punches me in the arm, "I'm thirteen. That makes me a teenager."

"Yeah, but just a year ago you were twelve so," I shrug and click my tongue. "You're still a kid to me."

Eli tries to punch me again but I walk backwards out the door so he misses. Even though the kid looked scrawny, he could throw a mean punch. He started working out with me recently so I'm guessing that's why.

I laugh at his annoyed face as I leave the house. When I get into my car and start driving, I can't help but think of Eli. As much as the twerp gets on my nerves, I can't help but admit how lucky I am to have someone like him be a brother to me. 

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