Chapter 13

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I look at myself in Jenn's full body mirror and hate myself for criticizing everything about me in that moment. I tried to find the most modest, yet pretty, clothes to wear to dinner tonight. I'm wearing a black blouse with light blue skinny jeans and tall black boots and my hair is straightened. I don't have any makeup on besides a glossy lipstick and light mascara. I want to look nice for meeting Alex's mom, but I don't want it to seem like I'm trying too hard.

Jenn comes up beside me and smiles reassuringly at me in the mirror. She's already in sweatpants and a t-shirt. Her blonde hair is made up into a messy bun on her head and her reading glasses are on. She looks adorable.

"Ray, stop," she tells me.

I furrow my brows at her, "Stop what?"

"Judging yourself. You look beautiful. Alex's mom is going to love you," she gives a small laugh. "Everyone loves you."

I shrug and turn away from the mirror so I can talk to her face-to-face. "It's never been like this. Any relationship I mean," I shrug. "Darren never even introduced me to his sister let alone his parents."

Jenn waves a hand dismissively, "Darren was an asshole. We both know that now. I mean, he got you arrested. He's definitely not boyfriend of the year." When I don't say anything, Jenn sighs and takes my hand. She walks me over to her bed and sits me beside her. "Things with you and Alex are different, Ray. I can see that and I know you can too."

I clear my throat to push past the lump that forms there. "That's the thing, Jenn," I begin. "I feel like this thing with Alex is too much. I'm only seventeen and with him I feel like things are getting too intense way too fast."

"You love him." Jenn doesn't say this as a question. She says it as a statement. She doesn't look shocked or annoyed, she just looks like she wants to listen.

I shake my head, "It's been only a month, Jenn. Don't be ridiculous."

Jenn looks at me like she doesn't believe me. I'm not even sure I believe me.

"Love doesn't have rules," Jenn presses. "You can't tell me you just really like Alex. You should see the googoo eyes you get when you look at him. It's disgusting. You're both lovesick puppies."

I roll my eyes, "I doubt that. Alex doesn't like me like that." How could he? It's only been a month. Sure, he's very good at showing his affection, always hugging me and kissing me, but I don't know about love.

Jenn keeps talking like I didn't say anything, "You're both in love."

I stick my tongue out at her playfully. We both share a laugh before Jenn turns serious again.

"Have you told him how old you are?"

I cringe and shake my head, "No." Jenn gives me a look of disapproval. "I will! You know I will, I just need to find the right time."

"I know you're almost eighteen, but you aren't yet, Rayne." Jenn narrows her eyes at me, "You don't want to get him into trouble."

Not long after meeting Alex I found out he was nineteen. I actually found out the day we met because I caught a peek at his license. Not his fake ID, but his real license. I don't know if he thinks I'm over twenty one, since we'd had a few drinks that day, but since he is a legal adult, any intimacy between us could have consequences. I would've assumed he was over twenty one if I hadn't seen his real ID, so it makes sense as to why he'd think I was older than I am. I wouldn't be surprised. I've been told I look older than my actual age.

"I know," I grumble. I let out a long sigh, "I'll tell him tonight."

"Good," Jenn beams at me just as my phone beeps with a message. I look at the screen and see a message from Alex telling me he's here to take me to his mom's. I don't notice that I'm holding my breath until Jenn is telling me to breathe.

I laugh and hug Jenn before grabbing my purse and heading out her door. She follows behind me. When I open the door to her house, Alex stands there looking gorgeous as always. He gelled his hair slightly to the side and he's wearing a black button up shirt. He grins and reaches an arm out toward me. He places a soft, chaste kiss on my lips as a hello before flashing his dimple at Jenn. She greets him back with a smile of her own, proudly presenting her two cute dimples.

They exchange pleasantries for a minute and then Alex and I are walking towards his car.

"Don't bring her home too late, Alexander!" Jenn shouts from the doorway as I get into Alex's truck.

Alex shuts my door, but I hear him say something to Jenn that sounds like "Will do." I smile to myself as Alex rounds the car. When he get's in and starts driving, I know I can't avoid the age conversation much longer. Now or never, am I right?

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