Chapter 10

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I have to admit, when I wake up and see Rayne still tucked safely under my arm, I'm surprised. Last night was perfect, too perfect. So perfect I thought that the whole night was a dream. I look past her to see Eli already awake and smiling widely at me.

"I see you found her again," he laughs like he thinks he's funny.

I narrow my eyes at him and he immediately stops laughing. I sigh and rub my hand over my face. "Can we talk? In the kitchen?"

Eli looks confused, but nods. He looks at Rayne and his eyes soften a little bit. I've noticed she has that effect on people. Something about her is so innocent, so angelic, you can't help but feel calm and happy around her.

I carefully get out from under Rayne and lay her on the couch. I make sure I put the blanket over her before walking with Eli towards my kitchen.

My place is small. I like to call it my house, but it isn't really a house. It's more like a bigger version of the average apartment. I have everything I need, nothing more. I have my kitchen, my bathroom, my room, and my living room. It's enough for just me. It's an extension to what is Eli's house. Eli's portion of the house is actually a house, I don't know why he likes it so much in my tiny home.

"What's up?" Eli says as he hops on a stool by my breakfast bar.

I grab two protein shakes from my fridge and hand one to Eli. He waits patiently for me to talk.

"Her name," my voice cracks so I clear my throat. "Her name is Rayne, Eli."

Eli freezes and I don't miss how his eyes lose any and all emotion. He shrugs as if this piece of information doesn't matter to him. "So?" He questions, "I'm sure there are plenty Raynes in the world. It's a big place, Alex. There are probably a thousand other Raynes out there. It's not like it's that big of a deal."

I nod. "I know, trust me, I know," I put my elbows on the counter and sigh. "Isn't it crazy though? This is one girl I can't get my mind off of and her name is Rayne."

This makes Eli mad. He jumps off his stool and rounds the counter towards me. I turn to him just in time so he can jab me in the chest.

"Stop, Alex," Eli growls. "That Rayne is gone. Rayne doesn't exist. You meeting this girl isn't some twisted way of fate. It's just a name. I've come to terms with our Rayne being someone from the past, someone who isn't coming back. You should too. You need to learn how to move on and how to get a grip on yourself because this isn't something to take lightly and you can't just toy with my, or your, emotions. Our Rayne isn't here anymore."

I swallow as I take in the words that Eli says to me. He's right, I know he's right, but I can't help but feel that this connection I have with this Rayne is something I need to pursue. I don't know how to explain that to him.

"Eli-" I don't really know what I'm about to say, but I'm thankful when Rayne walks into the kitchen.

Her hair is wild and she has makeup smudged around her eyes. She still looks beautiful. She's still wearing the tight red dress from yesterday, but her heels are off so she looks tiny. I smile at her when she sees Eli and I.

Eli steps away from me and looks to Rayne. He gives her a small smile, "Hey, Rayne."

She smiles and walks over to us, her feet making soft sounds on the floor. "Hey, Eli," she looks to me, "Hi, Alex."

I feel awkward because I can't kiss her the way I really want to right now. I mean, I can, but that wouldn't feel right with Eli right next to us. Instead, I reach over to her and wrap my arm around her shoulder. She's stiff for a second before she relaxes in my arms. I kiss her head and whisper a good morning.

"So are you two a thing now?" Eli asks us.

Rayne steps away from me to look into my eyes. I know she probably expected yesterday to be a one time thing. I kind of did too, but now I feel like I can't just let her go.

I smile at her as I answer Eli, "Yeah, kid. We're a thing now."

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