Chapter 27

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I keep an eye on my mom as she gets ready for work. Blonde hair, blue eyes, round face. Nothing about her physically is anything like me. She doesn't have my brown hair, my blue-green eyes, or my chiseled face. I'd always assumed I got my looks from my dad, or maybe even my birth parents if I were adopted. Who knew I'd get my looks from parents who I didn't even know and who didn't know me.

"I won't be home tonight," I decide to mention. "I'm watching the ball drop with Alex and his family."

I carefully watch her hands as she applies her makeup. I try to find a flinch, a tremor, any sign that she might know more about Alex and his family than I've said. I get absolutely nothing.

"Okay, baby. Just text me with the new phone, okay?" I'd gotten the new phone not long after my other one broke. She finishes her makeup and grabs her purse. She looks in it and rummages through a few things before clicking her tongue and shaking her head. She looks up at me and smiles. "I forgot something in the kitchen. I'll be right back."

The second she leaves the room, I'm off her bed. I walk to her clothes drawers and pick up a photo of me as a baby that lays on it. Seventeen years. Seventeen years of calling someone my mom... and she may be my kidnapper. The thought alone has goosebumps running along my skin.

Mom's heels tap rhythmically on the floor as she walks back in the room. I watch her in the mirror as she puts her hands on my hips and her head on my shoulder. She looks down at the picture and smiles widely.

"You've always been so beautiful. I couldn't believe I had such a perfect human being in my life the day I brought you home."

Home from a park, you mean. Taken away from an innocent family.

Mom kisses my cheek and squeezes me tightly. "See you later, baby." As she struts out the door, she yells, "Oh! I bought you a dress! It's on your bed. I figured you'd be going out tonight. Make sure I get a picture of you in it."

Before I can say anything, I hear the front door close. I stay rooted in place as the car engine starts and my mom backs out of the driveway.


I watch Alex's family in awe. I can't help the hollowness that fills my chest when I watch them interact with each other. I could've grown up here. I would've lived in a two-parent household with a fun, witty little brother.

Eli smiles at me and waves from across the kitchen. We're currently all fixing up snacks in the kitchen. I try to give him my most convincing smile. It's almost as if I'm smiling to all of the "popular" girls at school. I feel like I'm pretending to be someone I'm not when I really shouldn't have to.

My life would have been so different. I wouldn't have grown up struggling to make ends meet and eating dinners alone on the days where Jenn couldn't stay with me. In the months I've known all these people, the one thing I know for sure is that they all love each other. If someone wasn't okay, they'd drop what they were doing to get to the person in need of their help. I don't think I had that. At least not with my mom. I know Jenn would always have my back.

I'm pulled from my thoughts suddenly when I feel two hands on my hips. I'm immediately warmed by Alex's body pressed against my back.

"Come outside with me," he whispers in my ear.

I smirk and reply, "Why?"

"Just come, please."

I roll my eyes and turn around to face him. I grab his hands and lean up on my toes to kiss his scruffy chin, "Let me grab my jacket. I'll meet you out front."

He smiles widely and nods. I turn away from him and walk towards the kitchen table where my jacket lays on a chair. I smile at Lily as I pick up my jacket and put it on. She was fixing up a fancy looking cheese platter.

"You leaving?" Lily asks me.

I shake my head as I fish out my phone from my jacket pocket. "No, Alex just asked me to go outside with him," I explain.

She smirks at me and winks. I roll my eyes a laugh.

I walk out of the room, shaking my head, as I send a text to Jenn:

I'm about to talk to Alex. I'll tell you how it goes. XO.

I don't wait for her reply, I just turn off the ringer and put it back in my jacket. When I get outside, Alex is waiting for me with a handsome smile on his face. My chest tightens at the idea of wiping that beautiful feature off his face in just a matter of seconds.

I force out a smile as he reaches for me. He takes my hand and leads me over to a tree. He doesn't stop until my back is against the tree and his eyes are locked on mine.

"You look beautiful tonight," he tells me. I'm wearing the dress my mom got me. It's a loose black dress that rests just above my knees. I also have a red scarf on with knee high red socks and black boots. "Three minutes 'til midnight."

"Yeah," I whisper.

"Before the New Year starts... I wanted to tell you something," he pauses and I take a moment to lick my suddenly dry lips. "I love you."

I can't help the burning in my eyes when I hear Alex's words. I want to say something - anything - but I can't.

Alex's eyes fill immediately with something I can't really decipher. He tries to hide it by giving me a small smile, but I see the pain behind it.

"You don't have to say anything. I know it's been a really quick two months. I just wanted you to know how I feel."

I don't bother hiding the tear that slips down my cheek. Alex's crumples right before my eyes. He tries to wipe away the tear, but I move my face to the side so that he can't.

"I..." when my voice comes out as a croak, I gather myself and continue. "I just... I don't want to start off the New Year by lying to you."

Alex flinches. His jaw tightens when he hearts his family counting down from his house.

"48... 47... 46..."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"41... 40... 39..."

I reach into my jacket pocket and pull out my baby picture or me with my giraffe. Alex doesn't notice. He doesn't take his eyes off my face.

"32... 31... 30..."

"I'm Rayne," I say as loudly as I can muster.

"24... 23..."

"I know," Alex says. The confusion is clearly evident on his face.

"19... 18..."

"No, Alex,"

"10... 9..."

I hold up the picture with shaky hands.

"5... 4..."

"I'm Rayne."

"Happy New Year!"

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