Chapter 20

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When I get back to my mom's house, everyone is still there. Each person is doing something to help my mom clean up. I start washing the dishes as Eli puts them in the sink.

"You think they liked her?" I ask him.

"I don't really know how someone couldn't," Eli answers. "I think your question should be - who liked her the most?"

I shake my head with a smile on my face as he walks away. Rose takes his place next to me.

"That girl is really something," she comments.

"That's a good kind of something, right?" I ask.

Rose nods and leans up on her tiptoes to give me a kiss on the cheek. "It's very good. I really like her, kid. Take care of her." Jeff calls Rose from somewhere in the house. She hugs me quickly and pokes my dimple before leaving the house with Jeff and Eli who both call out a goodbye to me.

I spend a few minutes washing dishes, and when I'm done, I take a towel to dry them. When I'm almost done drying, Mom comes up by my side and watches me carefully. After a few moments of awkward silence, she speaks.

"You really like her?" Mom asks.

I nod, "I do." I might even love her.

Mom gives me a sad smile as if reading my thoughts, "I was afraid of that."

I furrow my brows and dry the last dish. I turn to my mom and give her my full attention. "What does that mean?" I ask.

"Hey, don't get defensive on me now," she warns. She sighs and asks, "What do you know about her home life?"

"Not much," I respond honestly. "Her mom's a single mother. Her dad died when she was little. She was too young to even really know him. I know she doesn't spend a lot of time home because her mom works a lot. She's at her friend's house more than her own I think."

Mom bites her lip as I speak. It's something she does out of habit. Sometimes she does it when she's thinking or concentrated; other times she does it when she's worried.

"Why do you ask?" I question.

Mom sighs, "Something didn't sit right with me tonight. Rayne... she seems fragile."

"How?" I wonder out loud. I've never once thought that about Rayne. If anything, I thought she was strong and independant.

"Call it mother's intuition," Mom shrugs. "Being a single mother and raising a boy has taught me things."

"Is that why you offered her your number after dinner?" Now it makes sense.

She nods, "It is." She sighs and walks over to me for a hug. "I know you're a good man, Alex. You take care of her as much as you can, for as long as you can."

I hug her back, "I'm trying."

Mom seems satisfied as she pulls away from me. She pushes me away, "Now go home and sleep. You have class tomorrow. I'll fix up the rest of the kitchen tomorrow."

I give her a quick kiss on the cheek and say goodnight. As I walk to my place, I can't wipe the smile off my face. There are no words to express how happy I am that everyone likes Rayne and is willing to accept her into their lives with open arms. 

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