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  Kawaii~chan held out a hand for Zane to get up. Zane took it, grabbing his bag. "So, you live by yourself, right?" Kawaii~chan nodded unlocking her car in the lot as they approached.

"Yeah, both parents are dead." Zane stopped at the passenger door. "I'm sorry." Kawaii~chan and Zane hopped in, she started the engine, pulling out of the school lot. "It's fine. They both died before I was old enough to remember." Zane shook his head, gripping the door handle.

"Your speech is getting better." Kawaii~chans' face instantly brightened. "Really! Kawaii~chan has been practicing all day in her head!." Zane laughed. "And there's where you mess up." Kawaii~chans' ears lowered. "Dang it!" She whispered.

"This is where you live?" Kawaii~chan got out and nodded. They were at an apartment complex. A really nice one at that. "Yeah, I own this." She pointed at the complex. "My parents left it for me. Though I only use one apartment out of the four of them." Zane gasped at the complex. "You're going to eat a fly." Zane coughed and looked at her. "What?" She giggled. "Kawaii~chan said nothing."

She unlocked the gate to the stairwell letting Zane go first. "Which one do you live in?" She pointed at the second level. "Kawaii~chan lives in the one on the right." Zane nodded walking up the steps with her. "You messed up, again." Kawaii~chan slowly turned around to look at Zane. Zane backed up, a little frightened by the mefua.

She turned back with a red face, opening the door. The air instantly smelt like fresh cookies. The decor was normal surprisingly. The rooms were huge. A high-grade kitchen as expected. Kawaii~chan dropped her bag on the love seat.

"Does Zane~sempai want cookies?" Zane shook his head no. "Do you have any more of those cupcakes?" Kawaii~chan nodded pointing at a....cupcake fridge. It was full of differently designed cupcakes. They were all one different racks. "Woah." Zane grabbed a cupcake with Pinkie cake on it. "Kawaii~chan?" She was looking a little past the wall at Zane. Only her ears and eyes were visible. "Call me Kc." Zane side walked across the kitchen to the island. "Kc, why are you staring at me like that." Kcs' face was red, she still stood at the wall, looking at Zane. "Kc has never had a sleepover. She does not know what to do." Zane watched her come out from behind the wall.

"Show me your bedroom for starters." Kc nodded. Zane followed her to a hallway. She opened the first door to the left. The room was exactly as you would expect. Pink wall with a little punk incorporated. Pictures were on her walls of our friends. Loads of stuffed animals by her window. A pinkie cake poster like Zanes' above her bed.

"Zane~sempai?" Zane took his gaze of the poster and looked at her. "Yeah?" She walked up to him, pulling at a piece of his shirt. "You have frosting on your shirt." Zane looked down at his uniform. "Oops." He blushed. "Where's your bathroom I'll just change anyways." Kc closed her door. "Right there." He enters the door behind it with his bag.

He changed into Pinkie cake Pj pants and a black and gray tank top. Zane looked at himself in the mirror. He grabbed his mask and slid it off his head. He examined his freckles in the mirror. He smiled, pushing his hair off his eye. He hasn't looked at his eye in years. The brown was very strong against his other ice blue eye. He sighed, keeping his hair up. He feels like he can be himself around Kc. He walked out of the bathroom with his bag.

Kc shrieked. "Is it that bad!" Zane covered his face. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that Kc!" Kc shook her head, walking up to Zane. "Move your hand." Zane pushed his hair back down to cover his eye. Kc moved the hair, looking at Zanes' face. Zane could feel her breath on his lips. He blushed, leaning forward....

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