Author's Note

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Hello everyone! So, I hope you've enjoyed this fanfiction so far, but don't leave yet, for I will be updating the second part of this story. I apologize for the delays of my updates, but I've been busy recently. But, here is the start of the second half of this fanfiction, the second season of Diabolik Lovers, More Blood. So, once again, I have no claims of anything that makes Diabolik Lovers. And like in the first half, there will be scenes from the actual anime and there are my own. And I know there are scenes I write that are similar to scenes of the anime, but think of it as a way of the brothers trying the same thing with Risa as they would to Yui. As I said, no claimers of ANYTHING that makes Diabolik Lovers.

If there is anything that you guys would like to see, then please leave me a message and I'll be more than happy to take suggestions.

And another thing, any swearing done in this fanfiction, know this; I'm not one for swearing. I have my slip ups and there are times I do intentionally, but just so you guys know, it's not really in my vocab. Anyway, I hope you guys like the story so far and I hope you'll like the second part. Thanks again guys!

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