Chapter Five

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I sipped on my Lemonade as I scanned the room for someone I knew. Samara had disappeared shortly after arriving with some boy and Jayden vanished as soon as we stepped through the door. That left me alone at my best friend’s party.

My eyes flitted past Liam who was deep in conversation with Jonathan and Ben. He caught my eye and winked, so I poked my tongue out at him. He pouted his bottom lip out, furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his eyes making me giggle and nearly spit my lemonade everywhere.

“Hey Lia,” he smiled.

I smiled back. “Hey Liam, having fun?”

He shrugged. “You?”

I shook my head. “My best friend and brother both ditched me. I have no-one to talk to.”

He pretended to wipe a tear from his eye, pulling an over-exaggerated frown.

“Shut up.”

He held his hands up in as if proclaiming his innocence.

“I didn’t say a thing.”

I rolled my eyes, smiling.

“You want to go talk? Somewhere quieter?” he asked, oddly shy and looking at his shoes. I took his hand in mine, leading the way.

“I know just the place.”


I laughed, leaning against the inside wall of Samara’s old cuby house. When we were younger we had played in it everyday. Liam leaned against the wall next to me, the cubby was so small we had to squish in, but I didn’t mind.

“I like being with you Amelia. Your so easy to talk to.”

It amazed me how Liam could turn such a goofy conversation so serious so fast.

“So are you, I feel like…” I paused for a moment, trying to figure the right words. “I can be myself around you, like I don’t have to hold anything back, you know?”

He nodded, squishing closer to me if that were even possible.

“You know, you brother could never find out about this. He would bash me to death and leave my lifeless body to rot in the street.”

I laughed. “I don’t care. You’re my friend, he’s my brother. I’m not going to announce it to him but I’m not going to hide it from him either. If we’re friends, we’re friends.”

He smiled at me.

“You Lia, are one of a kind.”

And he kissed me, he kissed me. I tried to think about the fact that my brother was going to kill us, that we would have to keep it a secret, but all I could focus on was the fact that I had my hands around Liam’s neck pulling him closer, and his large hands were tangled in my hair, and I was kissing him back.

Holy Shit! I’m kissing Liam Jones!!

I pulled back first, him following soon after.

“I’m sorry Amelia. I just, I…” he trailed off, running his hands through his chocolate hair. “I like you. Like really like you and I know it’s ridiculous for you to fell the same wa’”

I cut him off quickly placing my hand over his mouth.


He looked a little taken aback, worried even.

“Don’t be sorry.” I leaned in closer to him. “I like you to.”

He smiled his hands sneaking around my waist.

“Does this mean we can be more than friends?”

Samara was right. This was becoming a bit Romeo and Juliet.

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