Chapter Six

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I laughed at Liam’s incredibly corny joke as we stood in line for the movies. We were dating now, but we had to be a little Romeo and Juliet about it, keeping everything a secret.

“Okay, how about this one? A grasshopper walks into a bar, sits down, orders a beer. The bartender walks over to him and goes ya know there’s a drink named after you, and the grasshopper goes…”

I cut him off before he could finish the sentence. “Really? There’s a drink named Kevin?”

He stared at me wide-eyed, before bursting out in laughter again.

“How did you know that?”

“My brother and I used to have corny-joke competitions. I know every one in the book.”

By now we were at the concession stand. I went to get $20 out of my purse but Liam bet me to it.

“No, no, no. My mother would beat me if she found out I let a lady pay.” I rolled my eyes playfully and thanked him, picking up the popcorn and the coke.

We settled at the back of theatre, Liam had chosen some movie called 21 Jump Street, it was supposed to be funny. I scanned the room while the trailer played, looking at the people walking into the theatre, there was a lot of teenage couples, holding hands and whispering, some families, some middle-aged couples, then a big group of guys walked in, they looked about my age.

Shit I know those guys.

“Liam!” I whisper shouted.

“What?” He replied.

“My brother! He’s over there.”

Liam shot up, spotting him straight away.

“What are we going to do? He can’t see us!”

“Easy, we just wait until the lights turn off, then they can’t see us.”

He nodded, looking to the ground slightly pale. I turned away from where my brother was, pretending to be deep in conversation with Liam. Luckily the lights dimmed soon after so we could cuddle up and watch the movie, not that we were actually paying attention…

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