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These are MYSTERIA_Silver 's 10 questions.

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1) I am very fluent in English and Sinhala. I know a tiny bit of Tamil ( never really bothered to learn it in school.) and Korean ( curtsy of ETERNAL_VOODOO_DOLL ) and currently trying to learn Japanese.

2) Humor,  patience and understanding.

3) Stargazing.

4) I guess it depends.  I can be very sensitive most of the time, I won't be a perfect girlfriend, but because I love him I'll try to  be the best girlfriend for him. Idk.  

5) OOOHH! The coolest dream I had was that  I meet  by bias Cha Hakyeon and he signed my sketch book in which had my best  drawing of him. After signing, he and I walked alone to his  limousine where this crazy news reporter was taking pictures of me when I waved my hand as his car drove off. It was so wired and was amazing at the same time.

6)  The scariest dream I had actually happened in a series of days. Each day I saw one of my family members die and It was traumatizing. I got so scared that  I was praying for a long time and was too scared to close my eyes to sleep. I still shudder at  the thought. uurrhh.

7) I don't believe in it. Refer to  TAG#7

8) Imagine Dragons.

9) "Castle."

10) I really don't know.

Sorry if this  tag was a bit boring. See ya in the next  tag. Bye!



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