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Answering custom questions tag!

I was tagged my MYSTERIA_Silver and the questions in the tag were made by Aviana_Kaider. Thanks guys!!!

Omg I am addicted to this mashup of "Ko  Ko Bop" and "Shangri-La". It's been  a while since I found it but it still continues to  keep ringing in my head.<3

Okay tag 16!

1) Describe yourself in 5 words.

Dreamer, Random, Funny, Sensitive and Backwards.

2) 5 important characteristics that  should be in you ideal type?

Kind hearted.





3) Do you prefer your ideal type to be older or younger than you? And by what age gap?

Older than me. Best age gap would be 2 or 3 years older but maximum is 5 years older.

4) Are you the type of person who sings in the shower? If so, what songs do you sing?

Is this even a question? I sing ALL THE TIME in the shower. And I sing what ever song that plays on my ipod regardless whether it's English, Korean, Japanese, Spanish or Chinese.

5) What colour would you like  to dye your hair?

I  wouldn't dye my hair completely, but highlights rather. And I  would colour it either an electric blue or turquoise blue.

6) Would you murder a person for food? If not how far would you go?

Definitely not murder. According to the type of food my reaction varies. Most  I would do is fight with them,  but then that too is highly not likely.

7) Would you call yourself bright. average or  dumb dumb?

Average. I think.... :/

8) In the scale of 1 to Jin, how would  you rate yourself esteem?

Maybe  a 5. Idk It changes. At times I give up and at times I fight to win. It depends..

9)  Have you ever pretended to win an Oscar in front of the mirror?

Actually no... now I feel  tempted to try that.

10) Would you like to be an idol in your next life? Why and why not? And which title would you like to be in the band?

I would love to be an idol and at the same time not.

I would love to have fans and to meet other idols and all but at the same time I don't want to be limited in the things I do coz being an idol has it's limits. You simply have no freedom to do whatever you want coz of your popularity.

And If I was in a band, I'll most probably want to be a vocal and a visual.

11) If you were granted one wish, what would you wish for?

Wish for it to be given to somebody who really needs it. Coz I know i'm gonna wish for something stupid or useless.

12) If you met  your favourite celebrity in person how do you think  you'll react?

I'll most probably just stand in front of them, my eyes wide, my heart beats stopping and just stare at them before I fall on the floor in tears of happiness, or.............. fall on the floor dead, either way. :)

13) What  are your opinions on "life" and what would you do if life gave you lemons?

I think life is another one of those mysteries which is best left without humans making a description or a theory for it. It's something we are given  and we are supposed to endure for as long as we live. We learn things through living, regardless whether it's good or bad we learn. And that's a beauty I see in life coz It manages to force us to go through the toughest and the best of times, and at the end we will always have learned something from it or make memories out of it. Sure life sucks but it's awesome too. So "Life" is universal truth every one of us has to go through and it makes us who we are. After we journey  through life we will meet it's end, and when that day comes be content coz you just went through one hell of a special journey. 

And if life throws lemons, like most people i'll try to make lemonade but I'll prefer for it to be bitter at times too. That way I know how hard it will get and I'll learn to face it again next time.

Damn. That  was weird....  Sorry guys, questions like that make me write non-stop. Heh.

Okay.. I  tag,







I'm too lazy to tag more sorry. Anyone who's interested can do this tag if you want to.  I'm sorry If I bothered you by tagging u. That's all for now. See ya  in the next tag!



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