TAG#40 : 2K17?

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I was getting stressed with working and decided to take a small break...

It was a small break....



So I was tagged by Fanaticwolf! Thank you!!!!

A brief summary on how 2017 went for me.

2017 was actually one of the best years ever!


~I started a whole new grade with many brand new subjects like economics and business studies and some more, and I really love learning about them. And my new grade started off with a fresh and exciting start!

And I  kept working with my positive energy and happy vibe with studies and towards the end of the year, for the first time in my whole life, I got a certificate for 5th place in class! 

To think I used to fail every subject I did just 3 years ago. lol

Yeah  I am still very happy about that and I proved a lot of people wrong that year. I don't know how to explain it but, those who thought I can't, were shocked when I got that certificate, and those who did believe in me told me that they were proud of me.

But most importantly I proved to myself that I can do anything if I really try. And that was an AMAZING thing to feel. 

Hehe I never felt so happy.


~The main thing I was so grateful and happy about was that my bestie ETERNAL_VOODOO_DOLL was still in my same grade. Our friendship got really strong and we got even more closer than we were 2 years ago. And now we are practically soulmates. Each others diaries and each others sisters, closest friend, spiritual partners and zodiac power couples!

I love ya wifey! ☆~

~I met some of my old friends MYSTERIA_Silver and Aviana_Kaider again after 3 years. I made new friends and  kept my old friendships still strong. I really don't want to let go of the friendships I create so it's one of my main goals to keep a very strong connection with those who I love regardless where we live or were we work in the future.

Um... Sports?

~I learned to swim this year!

Yeah I didn't know how to swim before. Like Hongbin ><

So I started swimming classes and learned how to swim. I tried to go for swimming competitions that year but I didn't get selected. It's okay tho, I'll try again!

~And I took part in my school sports meet last year and dragged my bestie ETERNAL_VOODOO_DOLL to try to participate. At the end we got selected to represent our house (Team) in the march past!

~After I started Archery as a new sport in 2016 December, I got the chance to participate in the all island junior nationals. I was terrified at first and didn't want to go coz I hadn't even done the sport for a year but I tried coz I didn't want to waste my opportunities. I know I would regret it later. So I did and I have to admit, training for it was very hard and was such a struggle. It's a very tiring sport coz it's all about concentration and upper body strength.

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