TAG#49: Back at it again!

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I found one tag from like a century ago!

Tagged by MYSTERIA_Silver

Tagged by MYSTERIA_Silver

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1) Fav songs?

*Thinks for a minute*

Okai, I shall type the ones I've been listening alot to recently.

☆彡 Ignite - Alan Walker & K - 391( ft Julie Bergan & Seungri)

☆彡 Lost in Japan - Shawn Mendes

☆彡  There for you - Martin Garrix &Troy Sivan

☆彡 Fake Love - BTS 


☆彡 O sole mio - SF9

☆彡 District 9 - Stray Kids 

☆彡  Beleive me - CROSS GENE

☆彡  Fly - CROSS GENE 

2)Last Name?

um... Blah 


3) Last song listened to

Beleive me - CROSS GENE

4) What type of a phone do you have?


I don't have one.

I'm 17

and I don't have a phone

Yes, I am one of those teens who are hella uncomfortable with others of my own age when I go for classes with friends. I depend solely on my besties phone for communication. I'm a sitting duck in real life damn it. 

Seeing others tap away on their phones when i'm left to just stare at the ceiling or something, or when our teachers tell us to look up something I just  stare at  her with an awkward smile while the rest  of the class looks down to their phones and does what she asked them to. I am not  kidding. This 100% happens to me ALL THE TIME. 

I only have this ancient 5th  generation iPod ( It's 5 years old! I GOT IT WHEN I WAS 12!) and I only have that to listen to music to. If that  randomly dies I'm done for. And I keep it hidden in my pocket when I go out coz it's hella embarrassing. Especially at classes. Ppl be talking abt the latest versions and compare their  phones and i'm just there like "I don't exists please don't talk to me and ask me abt my 'Phone'" 

So yeah, no phone = No social media = living under a rock



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