TAG#42: Hella long tag!

16 8 15

Hi again!!!


He's kinda stating the obvious lol.


*Ahem.* ^^

I am going to do the longest tag I have in my "Stash" lol.

Tbh, I'm so tired after a really long day and  I can't be bothered to work rn, so I'm gonna take my sweet time and do this long tag! (36 Qs)

I'm so excited to do this!!!!

Thank you so much bluekpopfan for tagging me!!! \^o^/

Thank you so much bluekpopfan for tagging me!!! \^o^/

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1) Skipped class?

 Yes. Tutoring classes, quite a lot, school periods.... some.

2) Done drugs?


3) Self-harmed?

Um.. no. 

4) Drank?

I've had sips of some types of alcohol to try some. Haven't actually gulped down a shot or anything! ^^

5) Shop lifted?


6) Gotten a tattoo?

 Not yet. I'm planning to!

7) Broken up with someone?

 Never been in any relationship to break up with anyone. ^^ 


8) Show?

 Hmm... F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Definitely top pick.

9) Movie?

Wow.. I have many really good ones. But the recent  really  good movie I watched was "Collateral Beauty". It's honestly my type of movie. Mystic, deep and filled with emotions which last in those special moments. It made me cry at the very end. It's really beautiful. A movie about love, time and death. It is really beautiful. No  one can explain it, coz it's one of those movies which you have to watch alone to fully enjoy it and to get the story line. 

Hehe, broke into a little rant there. sowy ^^

10) Song?

 Please no. I can't name the 500+ songs I live with ><

11) and 12) Artists?/Bands?

 K-pop wise, obviously VIXX. Other wise, I  have top three artists who are basically my life blood. 

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