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WOW! The 10th tag! Okay moonbeanwoo , your questions are really  interesting!

1) Do you have a pet?

Yes. Ironically, a dog.

2) Jisoos or satansoo?

I'm sorry, I didn't get this one.

3) Which kpop idol would you cook for?

My bias. N.

4) Die instantly or live forever when the world explodes?

Die instantly. Living is fun, but to live forever? nah.

5) Lemon juice on grass or lemongrass?


6) Favourite fandom name?


7) A book genre  you would describe yourself as?

I don't know. 

8) How your friends and teachers would describe you as.

Teachers -  Does work, doesn't cause trouble, quiet.

Friends - Crazy, loud, wired... um.... random? idk.

9) How you came up with your username?

I really like Japan and anime so, I wanted to have a Japanese username. I made up my user name because I love the name " Miyuki" coz it's a cute name. ( In my opinion ) "Sakurai" actually stands for a lot of meanings but I like it coz it means "blossoms". Yeah, that's why. Nothing much.

10)  Favourite dog body part.

um..... I don't like dogs.. hehe sorry.

11) How much moon would a moonbin bin if a moonbin could bin moon?

I don't know...  but "moonbin" is repeated 4 times in this sentence! Did u find it?

12) Favourite pun?

Okay, I'm a huge fan of puns! The best I've seen and heard are from Ryan Higa ( One of my favourite youtubers) and It's really hard to choose from all his crazy  videos. It's almost like  a pun-ishment!

13) What  animal is the nearest thing you look like?

I'm lost....

14), 15), 16) Plz, I'm really lost now.  moonbeanwoo , these questions make more and more less sense. 

17)  N-  neat.

        F - fun.

        D - ditsy.

        B- bound to mess up.

        P- panicky ( I freak  out alot. :] ) Imagine when VIXX announces a comeback!

18) Strawberry jams

was the first thing you thought of

1) Jimin you got no

19) Would you adopt me?

I guess.

20) Mochi or dango?

idk. sorry.

21) Least favourite wood colour?


22) Name me one thing related to spongebob that isn't amazing.

I really like Spongebob, mainly because it defies almost every theory we know. I mean Squidward  takes a bath in a tub despite the fact that they are under the sea and I always wondered how Sandy got her food. I guess Spongebob is amazing because it's ABSOLUTELY CRAZY! so no, It's impossible to name even one thing in Spongebob that isn't amazing!

23) Do you do applfics?

I'm not  sure what that is.

24) Favourite flower colour?

Light pink.

25) , 26) I'm sorry, these questions really had my head spinning moonbeanwoo ! Thanks though! It was fun to answer these!!

OMG! YES!!!! I FINISHED THESE QUESTIONS!!! Okay I decided i'm not going to do 52 ( actually I think it's more coz moonbeanwoo  had 26 questions) questions. I'm jus gonna ask another 13 from you. Here they are.

1) If you were given the choice, would you go back in time or go to the future?

2) Do you have your own motto or quote you live up to?

3) If you could, would you like to know how you die, or how many  days you have left before you die?

4) Red or  Blue?

5) What would you do if your friend disappeared and you were given the choice to find him/her only if you were told to murder your bias?

6) Right or left?

7) When did you last  have pizza?

8) Would you like to fly or to  drive?

9) When you listen to music, do you listen to the beats first or the lyrics?

10) If you were given the chance to debut as an kpop artist, would you go solo or debut with a group? and why?

11) If you could swap souls ( or switch bodies)  with a person for a day, with whom would you swap?

12) Have you ever accidentally talked about a person without realizing that that person was near you all along?

13) Do you see dreams in colours or just black and white?

I tag you guys! I hope It doesn't bother you. 










Phew!  That's all for now. See ya in the next tag! 




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