chapter 6

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[week 6]

"what the hell! jeon jungook!" jimin says, angrily.

"what??" i say, finally admitting.

"you have a fucking boyfriend! don't check me out again." jimin says.

"you are crazy." i say.

"crazy for you." jimin says.

"what?" i say.

"what?" jimin says.

"what did you just say?" i say.

"what do you mean?" i say.

"say what you said again." i say.

"i said, "what do you mean?" jimin says.

"no before that!" i say.

"i said, "what?" jimin says.

"no– just nevermind!" i say.

jimin smirks and leans closer to my face. i feel my face heating up and jimin taps my nose.

"boop!" jimin says, cutely.

my heart beats rapidly and i say, "w–why did you do t–that?"

"i don't know, something inside me told me to." jimin says.

"you're really weird." i say.

jimin smiles which gives me goosebumps. why is he so cute? why doesn't taehyung make me feel this way? taehyung is cute, taehyung is sexy. but why does jimin make me feel different? no, i can't feel that way! i love taehyung and that's that. i can never love anyone else other than taehyung. it's wrong.

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