chapter 15

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[week 15]

"soo, what happened with you.. and yoongi?" i say.

"oh, well.. um.. things didn't work out. i broke up with him right after hoseok.. damn, he was desperate." jimin says, taking out the food jimin ordered from subway for me. i snatch my sandwich and take a bite.

"woah.. you're hungry." jimin says.

"they made it just right." i mumble.

"hey, don't you feel bad for yoongi?" i say.

"it's not my problem so the answer is no." jimin says.

"you are cold.. it's like you and yoongi switched personalities.. wait.. woah, this is scary." i say as jimin rolls his eyes.

he sits on the chair and sighs.

"you know.. you've been working here since you've been 15.. you must miss your family.." i say.

"i only worked here early because my dad worked here and i started helping my dad with patients with simple things.. like bringing food.. etc, but my dad retired." jimin says.

"cool." i say.

"don't you miss your family? you've been here since you were 13, last time they saw you was when you were 17." jimin says.

"yeah.. it's been 2 years." i say.

"do you miss your family?" jimin says.

i shut my eyes and take a deep breath.

"no." i say, bluntly.

pretend.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora