chapter 8

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[week 8]

i lean my ear on the door as i hear jimin and seokjin talking.

"when are you going to tell him?" seokjin says.

"i–i don't know!" jimin says.

"you need to tell him!" seokjin says.

"no! not now." jimin says.

"the longer you wait, the longer he will be upset." seokjin says.

"but– just give me some weeks? okay! i don't want him upset.. you know i loved him the day i saw him. i've been loving him for the past 8 years!" jimin says.

"i know but– wait! is that jungkook?" seokjin says.

shit! they caught me! before i could move, jimin opens the door and i fall on jimin.

i get up to see jimin's face in front of me. jimin quickly turns away from me and blushes. i get up quickly and dust myself off.

"s–sorry, jimin." i say.

"it's okay." jimin says.

"um.. so who's this him that jimin likes and what are you going to tell him?" i say.

"it's about his friend!" seokjin says.

"and his name is yoongi!" jimin adds on.

"jimin, i didn't know you were gay." i say.

"uhh, well now you know.." jimin says.

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