chapter 9

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[week 9]

i make my way to taehyung's hospital bed, still wondering why he wasn't there last time. maybe i just overreacted and he was in the bathroom. ugh, i'm such a drama queen and it's because of my anxiety. i knock on taehyung's door room and i see jimin.

"oh, i thought you were one of the nurses." jimin say as he chuckles.

i come in to see a man, casually sitting on the hospital bed and jimin doing some paperwork.

"um.. where's taehyung?" i say.

"wait, isn't he d–" the man says.

"–oing his check up! we have to make sure he's okay! am i right? of course i am." jimin says.

"why wasn't he here last time, when you went to the guy's funeral?" i ask.

"he was.. probably... um.. he– his father came and he was sent to the lobby to meet him." jimin says.

"oh." i say, eyeing the man.

"you don't have to eye me like that. my name is min yoongi." yoongi says, crossing his arms.

"wait.. yoongi? isn't this the guy you like, jimin." i say.

jimin's draw drops and he scratches his nape.

"shit. i wasn't supposed to say that." i say.

"what?" yoongi says.

jimin drags yoongi outside, leaving me totally confused.

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