chapter 13

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[week 13]

"yoongi!" i say, hugging him.

"i brought someone with me.. since he was begging to come.." yoongi says.

i see a man, taller than yoongi come in and say, "i'm hoseok!"

"hi hoseok!" i say.

"you must be jungkook." hoseok says as i nod.

"well, as you may now my lovely boyfriend, yoongi, he w–" hoseok says.

"boyfriend?" i say.

"yeah.. you didn't tell him yoongs?" hoseok says.

"but yoongs is jimin's nickname for yoongi.." i say.

"um.. jungkook.. i don't understand what you're trying to say." hoseok says.

"i'm trying to say yoongi is jimin's boyfriend!" i shout.

hoseok eyes widen as yoongi hesitates to say, "i can e–explain."

i gasp and i say, "you were cheating! oh my god, yoongi! i didn't know you were this kind of person."

"you don't need to explain, i already heard enough." hoseok says, leaving.

"let him explain!" jimin shouts.

yoongi says, "wait! hoseok! please!" running after hoseok.

"well, that was we–" i say, turning to jimin. he was angry yet sad at the same time. i can tell by his facial expressions.

"goddamnit! it's my fucking fault. my fucking fault that this fucking happened!" jimin says, banging his fist on my table.

pretend.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora